Sunday, April 27, 2014


It is not uncommon for me to sit down with a group of people and have the conversation go to the hardships people suffered in their childhood.    I feel badly that there are some whose childhood was difficult, so I don't chime in because 
 I had a wonderful, fulfilling and loving upbringing.  Was it perfect? No, of course not.  But it was full of love ... I never once doubted that I was loved and safe in my home.  Even my pets loved me and protected me.  As an adult, I learned what it was like to fear the loss of love ... but having had the experience of love before made me fight harder for it.   I think I won that battle because here I am today, knowing that I am loved and being free to love others ... even my pets and all of natures creatures.  Volumes have been written on what Love is all about, but I don't need to dissect it to know I have it ... so I just sit back and enjoy ... and yes, I work very hard to return the LOVE!

I have to go to my "Wall of Family" to start this post ...
Me, my father, my mother and my sister ...

1950's ... some things never change :)

as teens ... still in the 50's

Newly weds in the 60's

Growing older together ...

Back to the "Wall of Family" ... Two beautiful Children

They have always loved each other ...

Grandchildren ... the older is a step-Granddaughter who we never see anymore, but she will always be family to us.

Growing older together ...

So what we have is two old poops( 50 years in September)  ... and a loving family :)

Giving and Receiving love in every way we can ...

And ... a future generation?  Much to soon to tell.  She graduates high school in May.  But, she has a lot of love to give, so I expect it to happen someday.


Sylvia K said...

Beautiful family -- including beautiful pets!! Thanks for sharing the love and the beauty!! Have a great new week, Andrea!

Jeanne said...

Andrea, I totally love your photos and your story. I too, have been terribly blessed in my life and think that you and i have followed a very similar path. Oh, of course there were some hurts, but I have never never never been without all of the support that i need in my life. like you, working for so many years with people in crisis, we both , i"ll bet really realize just how blessed we are. It is just a gift with no price and one that money could never buy. Really enjoyed all the photos of you and you are NOT an OLD POOP, even if you did see ON GOLDEN POND. LOL Blessings to you!

Anonymous said...

Yes, indeed you have been blessed. It is good that you realize it, and that you have each other.

Carol Blackburn said...

Hi Andrea, what a wonderful family. That includes the pooches too.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

what a beautiful family and a lovely testimony. I loved reading your story

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you. Love permeates every word and every picture and has warmed the cockles of my heart.

Jackie McGuinness said...

Lovely post!

Kmcblackburn said...

What a beautiful family, what abundant love there is! Thank you for sharing on Song-ography.

Bruno Laliberté said...

You are very fortunate,
and I say this without envy.
I know you know you have it,
and are grateful for it.

Edna B said...

Oh wow Andrea. What a beautiful post!! Your family is just beautiful. That photo of you and Izzi is priceless. I just loved all your family photos. I too have had a long and abundantly blessed life. And giving back to less fortunate has been an ongoing project through the years. I agree, it's the love that makes life so good. I'm grateful for every day I'm here. I'm at work now, but I'll be going home soon. When I walk in the door, my little guy will do his "happy dance" and then snuggle on my chest to welcome me home from work. It just gets better every day! You and Izzi have a beautiful day, hugs, Edna B.

Veronica Roth said...

That's a lovely post Andrea. When times get rough for me, I always say to myself that I have food and shelter and warmth and love, and that's 100% more than some people have in this world and I always manage to feel very lucky. :) Big hugs. :)

The Queen Jester said...

You were fortunate to have a happy and loving family and we that did not are fortunate to have you as a friend. Your warmth and love help to soothe our wounds and let us believe that we are indeed loved, if not by our family of origin but our new family of choice. Thanks Sista!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Andrea I really enjoyed reading your post and seeing your family through the years. I am glad you had a happy family life and you look as if you are still very happy.

Ida said...

Beautiful tribute to your family. You can see the love through these wonderful photos. Thank you for sharing.

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