Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Wild Bird Wednesday

Our spring migration has been scant this year.  The lake opened up so late that most of the birds that usually come here found other places to go.  That said, we are still getting an occasional small group of late comers which I am very grateful for.

 A group of Juvenile Eagles came to check things out.  There were five all together, but I could only spot four in the trees once they landed.  

A small band of Lesser Scaups ... they stayed around for several days.  Our weather is so unpredicable now that when it turns cold it is hard to catch an updraft to get high enough to ride the thermals.

And we did finally get a few Cormorants and Pelicans ... late comers.  Nothing like the big flocks that have come in years past.  But, I am happy do get even one ...
Thank you to all of you who identified my female Red-Winged Blackbird last week.  And for those who didn't know, that's okay.  We can't be expected to know every bird.  As for me ... You were all witness to a major Brain Fart!  I have Red-Winged Blackbirds in my yard Spring, Summer and Fall and even sometimes in the winter.  I have even featured the female Red-Winged Blackbird on my blog ... Duh and Double Duh!  Now you all know what you have to look forward to in your "Golden Years"!


TexWisGirl said...

all awesome sightings, andrea!

Sylvia K said...

Oh, yes!! Awesome sightings indeed!! I do love your last shot in particular!!

HansHB said...

A lovely serie of photos!
A perfect WBW-post!

eileeninmd said...

Andrea, wonderful sightings of the eagles. And I love the White Pelican.. Thanks for sharing, have a happy week!

Elephant's Child said...

Feathered enchantment.

The Queen Jester said...

Brain farts are so common...no need to apologize for them, especially when you have such beautiful photos.

Anonymous said...

Ah, well...it happens. I think it was just because she was ruffled up. It is easy to get caught up in the migration identifying, too. You hope to see something different. The Eagles are amazing.

Karen said...

I love watching the birds coming through. The pelicans are neat, I don't see them here.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Andrea What lovely bird sighting.

marsha said...

awesome eagle sighting!!

Veronica Roth said...

Lol, I love senior moments. I run around shouting, "Chloe, come look at the...the...little brown bird!" All the time. She goes, "you mean the starling, mom?" "Yeah...that's it!" Lucky girl that you get pelicans. It's very rare that I see one here, but I love them. :)

NatureFootstep said...

lvoed to see your eagle-tree :) I can´t remember seeing that many eagles at one time. But they are rather rare in Sweden.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I get excited about "our" three eagles -- you have so many... wonderful. And all the other birds...a lovely post. Great birding where you live. Thanks for sharing it.

Ida said...

Oh so neat to spot the young eagles. Loved your Pelican too.

Pat said...

Fabulous sightings.

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