Friday, April 18, 2014

Smile it's the Weekend

I is smiling Badger Boos because I is on my ways to Ohios again.  I loves going to Ohios and sleeping ins the big beds in our homes away from homes.  We has another Agility Trials ... I know, you say "Whats? Agilities on Easter Weekends?"  But I says, I don't knows abouts Easter so it's nots a problems for me.   Maybe you could asks my Moms ... and she will just tells you that we do Gods works in may ways and he won't miss us if we goes to Ohios :)  I believes her ...  But you has a wonderful Easters and tells me abouts it when I gets back.  
Happy Easter Badger Boos
(and all of the Badger Boo friends)

Since I isn't heres, I am sending yous a BOL Video.  I rolled on the ground barkings when I watched this ... Enjoys!

Moms says to tells you that this videos has a message in its ... I was barkings so louds I almost missed it's , but then I alreadys has three kitties so I has plenty of friends to talk to.  


Badger Boo said...

That was a very funny video **giggles** I know how the doggy feels as I want a kitty friend too.

Good luck in your agility in Ohio's have a safe trip. Thank you for linking up with Smile it's the Weekend

Happy Easter and carry on your good works.


The Queen Jester said... are such a lucky dog. Have fun in Ohio and don't worry about it being Easter weekend. I loved the video and certainly you appreciate having your own kitties already, so you can understand his excitement.

Edna B said...

What a fun video! And such a great message! Pogo and I wish you lots of fun and good luck this weekend. We are hoping to do a bit of gardening this weekend while the weather is nice. Maybe Pogo can try out his new play yard tent while us grown ups are digging in the dirt. Happy Easter to you and your mom. Hugs, and Woofs from Edna & Pogo B.

Elephant's Child said...

Izzy I hope you and your mama have a wonderful (and successful) visit to Ohio. And a lot of fun.
Loved the video too. And our cats would be lost without each other - nearly as lost as I would be without them.

marsha said...

Enjoy Ohios....maybe next come come all the way up to Manitoba so we can visit..Stewie

Anonymous said...

I agree that animals need other animals. They need to learn the etiquette of interaction with animals.
Chloe Jo has a dog. It goes both ways, as in any relationship. It is important, and love knows no bounds.

Jeanne said...

hOpe you had a very fun time in the agilities. It is so true that God's work is everyday, not just on easter, and I know he was able to find you both in ohio. So lucky you are to have a good mommy!

Rain Frances Creations ... Cards

 Cards I know Rain was not thinking of this kind of card when she chose this prompt, but I choose to go with what the word "card" ...