Monday, April 28, 2014

Our World Tuesday

Our Blogging Worlds Collided in the state park in Northern Illinois ... Who could have ever imagined that 
these three Bloggers could meet and the world around them would explode with joy, laughter and a sense of having been friends forever ...   

I didn't have any concerns about meeting the Queen ...(Life in a Canned Ham).  We had been sparring in jest for a long time so I fully expected her to be fun.  And, of course, McGuffy (McGuffy's Reader)is my neighbor so I knew she was fun.  But after a brief cautious exchange of politeness ... the realities started to flow.  We were all so willing to laugh and kid, even be silly and it was like a snowball rolling down a hill ... the longer we were together the more fun we had.  The Queen called it a therapy session and it was all of that and more (though most therapist I know wouldn't have been half as much fun).  And I have to say that "Left Brain" wisely allowed the women to go off on their own.  We took a quick spin around the State Park (ugly as it is this time of year) then off to our favorite Coffee House.  There we spent the afternoon glued to our chairs talking, laughing, kidding, confessing ... I will say that most of the conversation was between McGuffy and the Queen because they have much more in common, but we all shared what we had to share and loved every minute of it.  It was planned to meet again the next day and we would bring our dogs so George and Gracie could meet them .

On day two we brought Stella and Izzi ... George and Gracie were not impressed.  They are two very beautiful and sensitive kitties.  Gracie probably would have gone out walking with us, but George is the shy boy (you have to watch out for the shy ones:).  This time we took a walk through part of the park and it was still ugly ... though we did see a few  birds.  It was really cold and windy so we decided, of course, to go to the Dairy Queen.  What else do you do on a cold windy day when you are a little bit crazy.  We dropped the dogs off at home (not sharing my Blizzard with Izzi) and off we went.  The Blizzards were delicious and the company was even better.  We, of course, had to cap off our day visiting an old family farm cemetary.  Getting in and out was not easy, but we continued the banter and fun and if there were any ghosts there, we probably scared them off.  Then back to SeeMore (The Queen's Mobil Home) and we said our Goodbyes ...  I can't remember when I have had so much silly, pointless but truly wonderful fun.  Thank you Queen Jester and McGuffy Ann ... We must do this again, Sistas!

George & Gracie
(Brotha and Sista)


Anonymous said...

This was so much fun. Great post. It was like doing it all over again! Hugs!

Silke Powers said...

Fun, fun, fun! Isn't it great when you meet fellow bloggers and it's like you've known each other forever? This has happened to me a couple of times and I'm so grateful for those new friendships! And grateful we met in blogland and all the wise comments you are leaving on my blog... :) xoxo Silke

Jeanne said...

How fun is this! So great to have fun that is not virtual. Isn't the blogging world amazing!!!~!

Elephant's Child said...

How lovely. I have now met two bloggers - and loved them both. And there are others (yes you) I would love to share a cuppa and a myriad of laughs with as well.

The Queen Jester said...

I love your collage - may have to steal it for my blog.

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Help yourself ... or do I need to send it to you?


eileeninmd said...

Sounds like a wonderful time meeting up with your blogger friends. Fun collage and photos. Cute kitties! Enjoy your week!

orchid0324 said...

Dearest Andrea;
OMG!!! How much fun it must have been meeting up with your blogger friends♡♡♡ Great to see your sweet collage. I am in Japan, really envious p;) Have a LOVELY week.
Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

Mary Howell Cromer said...

It certainly appears that you all had a marvelous visit ;) said...

Wow, what a lovely group of ladies! It looks like you had so much fun together.
Which places are you going to visit when you come to visit Europe/ Switzerland?

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