Tuesday, May 29, 2012

World Bird Wednesday

It isn't often that I get this close to a family of Mute Swans.  They knew I was there and seemed fine with it, so I continued to take shots as they casually took turns searching the lake bottom for food and minding the cygnets.  But, the time came when Dad had had enough.  You will note him moving in my direction in the last few pictures ... it was time to pack up my camera and RUN!
Have you ever met up with an angry Mute Swan ... I have and it is no picnic :)


mick said...

A great series of photos - even if you had to leave in a hurry!

Unknown said...

They're beautiful!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Adam Jones said...

Nice shots. I've been there too. Best just to leave them to it and retreat quickly. You did well to get what you did.
Great stuff.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful swan family, lovely shots.

Josie Two Shoes said...

Amazing pics! I'm surprised he let you stay that long! Yes, they used to chase my daughter when she was small and came to feed ducks at a park in Germany. :-)

Brian King said...

I've never seen swan babies...very nice! Mute Swans can be nasty tempered, but I guess that makes them good parents.

NatureStop said...

Great shots of the family swan...what an experience it must have been:)Have a great day.


Vores have said...

Beautiful series of pictures you show.
Hanne Bente / hbt.finus.dk

Create With Joy said...

I LOVE your swan photos! They would make a great photo share at Wordless Wednesday!

Have a wonderful week Andrea!

Create With Joy

Esther Joy said...

Love the baby swans! Great pictures - and I'm glad you got away before the male came at you! We have trumpet swans at our local duck pond which I enjoy photographing.

TexWisGirl said...

so cute!

Sallie (FullTime-Life.com said...

Great series! And papa swan does look a little angry in the last couple of pictures. Thanks for sticking around as long as you could -- lovely pictures of a charming family (as long as they're not chasing you). (I've been 'attacked' by a Canada Goose before, so I can imagine this wouldn't be any fun).

Springman said...

Lovely shots!

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