I love the Red Wing Black Bird Families. They come to my feeder in hoards ... I call them my Bully Birds. But, what I love is when I go to the wetlands where they nest and sit and watch them on the reeds. Males are notorious for dive bombing intruders, but they are used to me coming now. Sometimes a male will come and hover over my head, but then flies back to guard the nest. Unfortunately I can't see the nests. they are way down in the reeds, but I see the babies when they start coming to the feeders with Mom & Dad. Next years even bigger hoard of Bully Birds ... oh my!

That's All Folks ...
Wonderful shots, Andrea! I like how they perch on the reeds. And the females are just a pretty as the males.
An excellent series of shots!
I'm impressed you got the wingspan with the colors showing - wow.
One of my favourite birds! Great shots!
Great captures!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.
You got some great shots! Love that split legs postition.
Very good series!!!
Wonderful images to see.. I love the spread legs holding the reeds.
Great photos and how lovely to be able to watch the blackbirds at the wetlands where they nest.
Oh you captured some really greatlooking birds!! Well done :)
Not an easy bird to photograph, these RW blackbird pictures are gorgeous!
Oh. Just oh. They are so beautiful. Thank you.
Wonderful shots!!!Thanks for sharing and have a great day!
One of Bill's favourites!
Great shots amongst the reeds. Not at all easy but so well done.
Great shots amongst the reeds. Not at all easy but so well done.
i love those 'splits' shots. :)
fabulous photos; adore the red-wings!
Breathtakingly beautiful!
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