Thursday, May 17, 2012

Cat Thursday

I know this feeling ...


Kaili Williams said...

Aww, haha, I know the feeling too :)

DT said...

I know that feeling very well!

This week I have Harry Potter cats if you'd like to come check them ot.

DT from Dead Trees and Silver Screens

Irene Palfy said...

aww.. Beautiful.. but yes.. been there.. ;") Have a wunderful Cat Thursday!

RoeH said...

I love it! :)

Mirjam said...

What a stunning cat! And yes, I know that feeling too. :)

betty said...

Cute picture! To me it doesn't seem like it would be comfortable, but then again, I'm not a cat :)

have a great day


Anonymous said...

I'm with you, Mr. Fonz!! ~xo~

Elephant's Child said...

When our Jazz gets that look in his eyes and pins his ears back I am bleeding within minutes.

Kate Campbell said...

I know just how this kitty feels. Lovely picture.

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

I know that look, "I do NOT want to clean house today." LOL!

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