Now is the time!
I have added my Linky this week, I know you all have men friends that you love, respect, admire, wish to honor and share. I am looking forward to hearing from you :)
I learned at an early age that I had some Indian heritage and was both excited by it and proud of it. Of course when I grew up, cowboys and Indians was very "in" and being a tomboy, I was loving being an Indian in the neighborhood games. The first Indian Movie I remember seeing was Broken Arrow which I must have seen ten times and probably it would have been more times if my mother would have allowed it. I was at the impressionable age of nine years, and to this day I love Cochise in that movie as played by Jeff Chandler. Now he was a Manly Man in his own rights, but as Cochise, there has never been a better version. He was nominated for an Oscar in that role, but that wasn't important to me at that age. He was strong, handsome and an Indian ... somehow, part of who I was, etching a vision of the strength and conscience of the Indian Culture in my heart. I am still proud of my heritage and I read and study the Indian Culture because I believe in their spiritual connection with nature ... their respect for all living things. "White Man" should know the meaning of respect the way they live and practice it. We would all be better off, as would our earth, who suffers dearly from man's disrespect. Jeff Chandler is a Manly Man, but my choice this week is really Jeff Chandler as Cochise. I still love that image as I did when I was nine ...

Jeff Chandler
He studied art and took drama courses in New York. He worked in radio briefly and spent two years in stock companies, even forming his own company in 1941. This toured the Midwest with some success before the war came along. Chandler served in World War II for four years, finishing with the rank of lieutenant. His enlistment record for the Cavalry on November 18, 1941 gave his height as six foot four inches and his weight as 210 pounds.
Chandler starred in Broken Arrow (1950). This film was a large hit, earning him the Oscar nomination that established him as a star. During the latter part of the decade and into the early 1960s, Chandler became a top leading man. His sex appeal, prematurely gray hair, and ruggedly handsome tanned features put him into drama and costume movies.
Cochise (as Played by Jeff Chandler)
Join in on the fun of Manly Monday:
This is
supposed to be a fun exercise in how different people see different men as
Manly. Your “Manly Man” can be anybody. You could even insert a little humor in
your choices, if you like. The idea is to have a good time, both in seeing what
others post and in your own exploration into who you want to post. Join me every
Monday and we will all learn what a Manly Man is ... or
Add the logo with your
post.Then leave a comment and a link to your blog with my post. It would be nice
if you could spread the word to some of your followers as well. Hope you will join in. Thanks
Interesting choice, as always.
Like the linky, makes it an official meme.
I hope people will join in now.
Check out my "Manly Man". He's special.
McGuffy's Reader
I remember watching this movie long, long ago! :-)
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