Saturday, May 19, 2012

Six Word Saturday


Last Week as Home Health Nurse ...


betty said...

That is a very worthy thing to do! Home health nurses rock!


Hilary said...

Have a good one...

restlessjo said...

And your next challenge?

VBR said...

home health nurses have been like angels on wheels when my child was ill thanks to all of you for sharing your skills with those who need it. whatever you do next, i hope it brings you much pleasure

Elephant's Child said...

What a wonderful thing to be. Where to next? A challenge, or a rest?

Anonymous said...

Should be:
"FINALLY RETIRED! (But always a nurse!)
I'm so proud you are my friend. Hugs.

Ron. said...

As others, above, I laud the Home Health Professionals, essential to any community, anywhere.

Good luck with whatever's next. and thanks!

Josie Two Shoes said...

Congratulations on reaching full retirement, I am envious! I know you will enjoy your free time so much!

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