Monday, May 28, 2012

Manly Monday

Mark Harmon fits naturally in the Manly Man genre.  We all know him now in his TV Series NCIS and most of the women I know watch it because he is on it :).  Many of us also remember him when he played the  doctors on "St. Elsewhere" (1982) and "Chicago Hope" (1994).

He is a Manly man for other reasons as well. 

He was a football star (following in his father's athletic footsteps was the starting quarterback for the UCLA Bruins football team in 1972 and 1973  ] He received the National Football Foundation Award for All-Round Excellence in 1973 In his two years as quarterback in coach Pepper Rodgers' wishbone offense, UCLA won 17 games and lost only 5.);

He was a college graduate (graduating from UCLA with a B.A. in Communication cum laude in 1974.); 

He was a Hero (In 1996, Harmon saved two teenage boys involved in a car accident outside of his home. Harmon used a sledge hammer from his garage to break the window of their burning car, then pulled them free from the flames.).

All in all, he is a man of many talents complimented by rugged good looks ... a Manly Man for sure.

Join in on the fun of Manly Monday:
This is supposed to be a fun exercise in how different people see different men as Manly. Your “Manly Man” can be anybody. You could even insert a little humor in your choices, if you like. The idea is to have a good time, both in seeing what others post and in your own exploration into who you want to post. Join me every Monday and we will all learn what a Manly Man is ... or isn't.

Add the logo with your post.Then leave a comment and a link to your blog with my post. It would be nice if you could spread the word to some of your followers as well. Hope you will join in. Thanks ...



Denise Moncrief said...

Oh, girl! I looove Mark Harmon. I've followed his career since he was on Flamingo Roads years ago! Nice post, my friend!

Anonymous said...

Okay. I saw this one coming...I only saw him in St. Elsewhere, but still remember. Talented, he has also been in several movies.

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