Tuesday, May 22, 2012

World Bird Wednesday

What is it about the Great White Egret ... is it the magnificent wing span, the gleaming white feathers?  They always make my heart pound when I see one.  And, I see many, because they are everywhere up here ... but still the thrill:)

I know, I have a thing about preening birds ... but bear with me :)
Okay, I know this is a little off subject ...  When I took this picture I thought it was a loon.  Then I downloaded it and now I am not sure what it is.  Thoughts anyone?


Brian King said...

I wish we had egrets here. They're beautiful birds! Great flight shots!

mick said...

Great photos - the Great White Egret is beautiful!

TexWisGirl said...

the slideshow of the preening egret was cool. :)

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful egret and great shots.

Elephant's Child said...

The preening egret was just enchanting. Thank you. And your third photograph made my heart soar with the bird.

Anonymous said...

The egret preening still reminds me of Maggie P. (*LOL*)
So cool...and I was there!!(Just sayin')
McGuffy's Reader

Arija said...

Great egret shots and sorry, no idea what your little swimmer is.

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