Thursday, May 24, 2012

Cat Thursday

There is nothing sacred to Diva.  When my hair dresser comes to the house she throws a sheet under the chair to catch the hair.  So much for that idea, Diva Devil Child :)


Anonymous said...

That would be Grizzi...except everyone would have to leave first! *LOL* You can't see her do it...she won't let you!

Mirjam said...

I'm sure Diva is convinced that a sheet could hide all kinds of prey. Checking it out is the wisest course of action. And lots of fun of course!

This is great, Andrea!

Josie Two Shoes said...

But tunneling under sheets and blankets is such fun!! I had a cat that "hid" when it was scared by tunneling under the bed quilt, not realizing that the resulting large bump in the bedcovers was a bit telltale! :-)

Elephant's Child said...

Drat you. I showed this post to my partner who chuckled. And then said, 'we could make Jazz famous, playing hammock*'

*Hammock is a game he and Jazz invented. While two people are folding up sheets, person the first puts his end close to the ground. Jazz leaps aboard and is then bounced by person the first. Spoil sport that I am, I will not play and put my end on the ground and walk away. I don't want cat fur on the sheets quite that early.

Irene Palfy said...

Aww.. great pics! Love her expression.. Thank you for sharing! Have a wonderful day!

Kate Campbell said...

But of course, everything you do in the house is for her amusement isn't it? :)

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

Nope, not a good idea with a kitty around! Great gif image, Andrea. Love it!

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