Tuesday, April 17, 2012

World Bird Wednesday

Well, I swear, ever since I started WBW, I have seen things I have never seen before.  It is like nature is waving a red flag at me and saying ... "Look what I have for you today!"  I was already working on my next WBW and was having a hard time getting excited about it.  So I took a break and headed out to get bird seed and go to the grocery store.  I have to go the back roads to get to the feed store so I was looking for another encounter with one of my favorites, the Sandhill Crane.  As I looked out in the fields where I might see them, out of the corner of my eye I saw something moving on the other side of the road.  A not so little round ball of a bird was waddling out of the woods into a yard and then followed by several others.  At first I thought they were Wild Turkeys, but was aware immediately that they were something I had never seen or heard of before ... not even in pictures.  I pulled over (much to the disgust of the big black truck that was on my tail) and opened the passenger window and started shooting.    I couldn't wait to get home and figure out what they were.  So let me introduce you to the:

Helmeted Guinea-Fowl (Numida meleagris)
The Guinea-Fowl breeds in Africa, mainly south of the Sahara and has also been introduced in a variety of other countries including the US.  They make their way through the Savannah and the bush eating insects and seeds.  They are particularly well suited to consuming massive quantities of ticks, which might otherwise spread Lyme disease.  I don't know if these were domesticated birds belonging to someone along the road I was traveling or if they had been released by the forest service to help eradicate the infestation of ticks we have in our rural and forest preserve areas. Which ever it is, I was thrilled to find them and share them with you.


Anonymous said...

I love them! I hope I get to see them!
Nature is so full of surprises and nothing is better.
Thanks for sharing your gift of photographing it.

FAB said...

I'm certainly glad you stopped to catch these colourful creatures. I occasionally see a few on a farm not too many miles away from my home here in UK.

Brian King said...

Wow, what cool looking birds! They look like something out of Star Trek. Glad you decided to stop, but glad you didn't get hit!

Unknown said...

What an incredible looking bird!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Linda said...

Just look at the markings on the feathers, great captures for this week. I love visiting the WBW participants and seeing all the fascinating photos.

Carletta said...

That's the way memes change your world. Things you might not take much notice of become the 'must have' shot. :)
I have seen these raised domestically where I live.
You got some really nice shots Andrea!

Anonymous said...

Huh... they're kind of ugly in a cute sort of way (now that was a major oxymoron!)

theconstantwalker said...

Wonderful birds to see.. many thanks for sharing your lovely images.

EG CameraGirl said...

Wonderful photos! You found a whole flock of these Guinea fowl!

Dina J said...

Very interesting. They are pretty funny looking! Great catch.

mick said...

Great photos and I'd sure like a bird to come and eat all the pesky little biting insects in my yard!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Wow, you have some great pics. We have family friends who keep them. I think they are comical looking.

Anonymous said...

What fun little birds, so glad you stopped! I love the 4th one down, running across the road, now that one made me laugh!

SquirrelQueen said...

I haven't seen any guinea-fowl since I left Georgia. A lot of folks I knew kept them on their farms or in their yards.

You have taught me something new, I had no idea these birds would eat ticks. That makes them even better to have around.

Elephant's Child said...

What a lovely treat to see and share. Thank you.

NatureStop said...

Nice captures!!!Have a great Wednesday!!!


NatureStop said...

Nice shots!!!Have a great Wednesday!!!


Vores have said...

Great pictures you show of guinea fowl
Wishing you a good day.
Hanne Bente / hbt.finus.dk

fjällripan said...

This sure is a new bird to me! Beautiful photos of an interesting and funnylooking bird!

Pat said...

What great shots! They're so funny-looking with tiny little heads stuck on those round bodies. Beautiful feathers though.

Springman said...

I saw one of these birds in inner city Detroit early this year. They like the same weedy conditions as the pheasants that also flourish there.
I really like your story about getting prepared for WBW and having nothing. How many times I have been in that position I couldn't begin to tell you. Always, Nature gifts me with something to share. Crazy!

Beth Ann said...

Love those guys!!! i have always loved watching them!!! What great pictures !!! Totally loved them!

Monica S Engell said...

What a great series you have here of these funny looking birds! Love the 4th picture!
Have a nice day:)

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