Thursday, April 26, 2012

Cat Thursday

     This picture needs a caption ... any idea's?


Anonymous said...

Should I let the cat out of the bag...
or not?

Bruno Laliberté said...

"That's not what I ordered!!
Send it back!!"

Elephant's Child said...

Eight, nine, ten, coming ready or not: (British Shorthair)

He'll never find me in here: (not very bright Tabby)

Suko said...

Great hiding spot, yeah right!

Marsha Cooper said...

I have no idea, but it's hilarious!! It's like the one has an evil look on it's face, or a sneer. like ah ha, I got you now! or hehehe you are never getting out.

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

"Meh, the ole 'let's play in the bag thing' is SO passe."

Cute pic!

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

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