Monday, April 23, 2012

Manly Monday

                               David Garrett
(Before you read about David Garret, go to my music list on my side bar and click on # 11 and you will be listening to the music I am talking about.)

I grew up in a family setting where all forms of music were appreciated ... piano lessons and violin lessons were a part of that.   I have loved the violin since grade school.  I love classical violin, fiddle, and even rock violin like Boyde Tinsley in Dave Mathew's band.  It wasn't until last year that I discovered a violinist that did it all.  He is young, robust and so talented, the first time I heard him play his Rock Symphony on Public Television, I was completely mesmerized.  David Garret is a classical violinist who has gone out on a limb and made classical music into rock music and rock music into classical.  His whole repertoire is rapid and exhilarating.  He just oozes talent ... and he isn't hard to look at either.  Calling David Garrett my Manly Man this week is music to my ears. 


Anonymous said...

Oh, I totally agree with you, he is definitly a handsome 'Manly Man' and his music is awesome!

EG CameraGirl said...

I love the violin too, I even tried to play it well when I was a kid. I make a better audience, though.

Elephant's Child said...

V cute and talented too.

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

I keep missing this! Believe me, I have plenty of fodder for Manly Monday!

David Garrett...ooh la la! I love the violin too!

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