Izzi ... how do I describe this little girl. She is always happy, energetic, smart, loving, silly and fun. She looooovvvvveeeeesss her family, which includes HP, my husband and me, her Fundog Agility family, a few select neighbors and Annie. Annie succumbs to all of Izzi's food begging tricks, so she holds a special place in her heart for Annie. She is an Aussie, so strangers are not preferred, but if you come around often enough she will learn to accept you.
I have referenced Izzi's Agility several times and have been asked by people what it is. So, I have gathered pictures from our Agility Trial last weekend to let you meet Izzi and introduce you to an awesome dog activity. Agility is Izzi's job (herding dogs aren't happy unless they have a job to do) and she loves it, as you will see by the constant smile on her face while she runs her course.
The pictures are not mine because I am in the ring with her, hopefully directing her (There is some question about who is directing who out there, given that I am an old poop and it takes a lot of fast thinking and moving). I attribute the fact that I have any brain or body left to the constant stimulation of the sport and of Izzi even when we are at home. I recommend a dog for any retiree ... they will add years and joy to your life.
I have digressed. I started to tell you that the pictures were taken by Steve Delaney, Paw Print Pictures, who takes pictures of all of the dogs at all of our trials. His pictures are wonderful as he has an eye for the special moments in the run especially as he gets to know the dog's personality. Anyway, enough talk ... Here's Izzi :)
The purpose is for the dog to complete a course of obstacles without any faults and within a given time. Izzi ran 6 different courses on this day so the pictures are not necessarily sequential, but do include all of the different obstacles.

Weave Poles
Dog Walk ("Come on Mom ... where we going?")

That's all folks ... hope you had as much fun as I did
Great story and great advertising for agility. I love watching you and Izzy work as a team.
Aww my izzibaubau <3
I love Izzi...thanks for including me in her story. She is very special to me...as are you. ~xo~
Such a happy, happy dog. Thank you so much. I grew up with German Shepherds and they too are at their happiest when working.
I loved this post. Thank you.
Very cute Andrea! This is the first time I have ever blogged.
izzi is so cute! i love aussies.
Compliments to Mr Delaney for his pics. They are great; and I see the gif images came in handy once more.
A truly beautiful beast!!
And you may be right about the benefits to elders to have a dog, as they have the time to take care of the dog, and the dog keeps them active, a win-win situation.
Wow, such a sporty fur baby!
Visiting late for my
camera critter, come and see it when you get a chance.
I love your smart, beautiful, talented pup! Her coat is gorgeous!
what a beauty! And I could not help but agree with you... giving an animal to a retiree adds years - to both of their lives :)
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