Friday, April 20, 2012

Friendship Friday

Friendship Friday


I have had threads of passion throughout my life.  It came naturally to me because my mother was a passionate person.  She loved life in a way you seldom see any more and she passed her passions on to me.  Life, as in Nature ... all things living from the tiniest cell to the huge lumbering animal, that is my passion.  It doesn't matter which it is or even if it is something to fear ... there is a place in my heart for all.  This does, by the way, include the human animal.   We all know some people can be harder to to care about than others, but I have yet to meet a person that I couldn't find a bright side of.  It sounds naive, but that is how I operate. 
This passion serves me well in my nursing.  Every patient, rich, poor, clean, dirty, disgusting, druggie, criminal, I have seen it all ...  if they have come to my place of practice, they are hurting and I am there to ease their pain.  You can't help somebody if your efforts are fraught with judgement or disdain.  Yes, you can go through the mechanics of caring for someone, but the real healing has to happen within the patient and it is for me to draw out that inner strength so that they can share in their own healing process. 

This same passion led me to volunteer in a Raptor Rehab facility after I retired from the hospital.  Here there are not so many facets of personality to deal with, but there are instincts to survive and an animal, in my case raptor, can lose the will to live if not handled properly and with great respect.  Once again healing has to come from within and it was my job to facilitate it.  Though the Raptor Rehab Facility was closed down because of funding, I never pass an injured bird or animal without making the effort to find an appropriate place for them to get care.  This is who I am and these are the passions that drive me.

                                 Rescued Kestrel Nestlings ...


Anonymous said...

An adorable little bird! I hope he made it Ok!

Elephant's Child said...

What a wonderful passion to have. Thank you so much for the photos of the kestrel nestlings.

Anonymous said...

Nicely said. So You.

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