Thursday, April 19, 2012

Cat Thursday

                                                            Practice Makes ...


Miss Charming said...

I love these kitten photos! They look so playful and full of fun. (Newest follower)

Anonymous said...

*LOL* just like my girls!

Elephant's Child said...

I love these. I particularly like the second - why clean your own toenails when you can get someone else to do it for you.
Thank you. And every day is a cat day here.

Kate Campbell said...

Haha just so funny. I giggled a lot. They are so sweet.
After our chat last week, I did post the Ikea cats. Thanks.

EG CameraGirl said...

I'm definitely a cat person. I like dogs but LOVE cats. :) Wish I were as agile as your orange kitty!

Yona said...

Hi there - Happy Friendship Friday!

Great action shots of your cats. The first image with the outstretched paw-claws is really cool!

Im now your newest Google Connect Friend.

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

OMG! Such adorable pictures. Love them!

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