Sunday, April 22, 2012

Camera Critters

Camera Critters

I discovered a family of Blandings Turtles at a perennial farm not far from my home.  When I took the pictures I didn't know what they were, but when I researched it I found that they were endangered.  I reported their location to the
County Forest Service who are responsible for keeping records of endangered species. 


Elephant's Child said...

How fascinating, and how lovely to see them. Not only a Camera Critter, but a worthy addition for Earth Hour.

Anonymous said...

Okay...I get your turtle, and upped you a frog. *LOL* How cool to see a Blanding's turtle!
Bill sees a lot of tortoises; I'll have to get him to take a picture!

Brian King said...

Nice find, Andrea, and a wonderful shot!

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