Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Wild Bird Wednesday

I took these pictures about two weeks ago when you could still hear the Crane's morning serenade ... it is silent now and I am assuming they have joined the large flocks that migrate together to a warmer climate.  Didn't see any youngsters this year and I hear coyotes in the distance almost every night ... yes, they have a role to play, but I wish they would leave my birds alone :)

I am living in a time of bird famine ... suddenly there are no birds around to take pictures of except the sparrows, of course.  I know they have migrated, but even the finch are gone who usually stay all winter ... do they know something we don't?  Like is this going to be the winter from ... well, you know?  Anyway, Somebody is still eating my bird seed, probably squirrels and Raccoons, but I will just keep putting it our and hoping that the right someones will show up ... hmmmm :( 



Sylvia K said...

Ah, maybe they do know something about the coming winter that we don't! Keep us posted!!!

Elephant's Child said...

The crane's are gorgeous. Do most of your birds move out for the cooler months? We have some at least all year round (though our winters are a walk in the park by comparison).

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Yes, birds usualy do know things before we do. When a cyclone is immenent, the birds disapper 24 hours before it arrives. Love the Cranes

Edna B said...

Your cranes are beautiful. We don't have any of them around here. I hope we are not to have a wicked bad winter. My birds have been scarcer this year too, but we still have quite a few.

I love your photos of the lake. Everything seems to be in just the right place to show off so much beauty. I don't know what kind of tree that is, but is surely is interesting.

Well, I finally got around to finishing designing and ordering my new calendars and Christmas cards. It only took me all day and evening yesterday to do it.

Gosh, this morning I have a case of the sneezes!! I get them every now and then, and they are something else! Unfortunately, I have passed this on to my oldest daughter. My bad.

Right now, Pogo is on his little sofa, and looking at me in a really weird way. Sort of like "Are you alright Mom?" He doesn't like the sneezing. Ah well, it will pass.

We're waiting for the rain to get here. It's due sometime and should last through part of the night and maybe tomorrow. At least that's what the weather forecast says. We'll see.

I did not get much sleep last night, so I may just take me a little nap soon. First, I need to go out and fill the bird feeder. The little birds are outside my window. Next they will be looking through the window at me, begging for some more food. Gosh, they are just the cutest little things.

So, I think I'll get a move on and start this new day. You and Izzi have a fabulous day. Hugs, Edna B.

Breathtaking said...

Hello!:) Neat Crane shots!:) It is definately quieter without bird sightings, and bird song around here too.

marsha said...

Great photos of the birds....

Stewart M said...

What great birds - I would have to travel to Northern Australia to see cranes - but thats next years plan!

According to some of my books, worms are a pretty regular food for Kookaburras - there is no accounting for taste!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

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