Thursday, October 1, 2015

Good Fences

This is a flimsy fence at best, but it discourages the dogs from leaving the course when running in an agility trial ...


TexWisGirl said...

cute golden! and a good fence. :)

Sylvia K said...

What great shot for the day and different, too!! Hope your week is going well!!!

Mascha said...

Handsome dog... and a useful fence.
To your question:
It is nearby with us and I've often posted pictures from here, under the label "Kloster Drübeck" you can find some 39 posts. And I will do it still often, we like to stroll trough this gardens.
Thanks for your visit, have a great autumn weekend

Mersad said...

Such a fun shot. The dog is so cute.

Ida said...

What a great action shot of this dog and the fence of course.

21 Wits said...

Fun photo too!

Elephant's Child said...

A fence is often only as powerful as we believe it to be. If it keeps the dogs in, it has more power than it appears...

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Lovelyy dog

Edna B said...

A fence to keep the doggies within their agility trial area is a good idea, and it keeps them safe from any nearby traffic. My Pogo does the same thing that your kitty does when I bring out the camera. At least your kitty poses more often than not for you.

I like what you did with the Women's Rights cloth. Very nice. I haven't seen any crows around here for some time. We do get a lot of grackles though. Andrea, I love that shot in the parking lot. Did you use a flash? My kids still have my little Canon, so I may have to get another one to take with me when I travel. Plus some days, my hands don't want to carry the extra weight of my DSL.

So far, the rain and wind hasn't been so bad here. Actually, it has been coming in patches. Then a few hours off before starting again. We can deal with this okay. Now I think I'd better go take my morning meds before I forget. You and Izzi have a fabulous weekend. Hugs, Edna B..

Rain Frances Creations ... Peripheral Vision

 Peripheral Vision I know what Peripheral Vision is, but for the life of me, I can't think of a good way to draw it :(   Hope you all ha...