Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Through My Lens

Izzi Speak

 Izzi is my names ... Herding is my games :)

Mission Accomplished ... Breakfast 



Annemor said...

Lovely post, made me smile.
Have a nice day.
Mormor :)

Sylvia K said...

Fun pics for the day!! I do miss my Sam Schnauzer so much!! Hope your week is going well!!

Elephant's Child said...

Huge smiles.
Hooray for Mission Accomplished.

Mersad said...

Oh dear Izzy, you are beautiful and adorable! Thanks Andrea for linking in with Through My Lens.

Mersad Donko Photography

Edna B said...

My goodness, I've had quite a bit of catching up to do! Such great shots of Izzi herding everyone to breakfast. She does her job well. Your bird art with the hot air balloon is quite interesting. I love your editing on the bird art in the woods. The lighting is just right.

That's a beautiful photo of Izzi and Mint sitting under that gorgeous big tree. Mint is just lovely. I must say I love your "two cents worth" photos of the moon. They are just awesome! Nice work, Andrea .

The photos of the pheasant are beautiful. It makes me sick to think that these beautiful birds are raised to be killed for sport, and that they cannot even live in the wild because of the way they are raised. Aren't there any laws against this? If not, there should be. If you are hunting for food, I can sort of handle that. But I cannot condone hunting for sport. Nope! Not at all!!

Today Pogo and I are having a lazy day of sorts. It's been so busy all week, and Pogo has an appointment on Saturday. So today's rest is very enjoyable. Other than going food shopping later, I'm in for the day and night.

I have some new projects (crochet) to work on. One of the two new great grand babies that are coming soon (November and March) is going to be a little girl. I don't know about the other one yet. This is very exciting because it will bring the total of my great greats up to ten.

Well, it's noon time and Pogo is hinting for something for lunch. He is very good at hinting. He runs to the fridge and sits and stares at it. If I ignore him, he comes and barks at me and keeps looking at the fridge. Such a smart little guy. Hmmm, maybe he's little bit spoiled? Ah well, that's our job as mommy to these fabulous fur babies. We are so lucky, you and I.

I'm off to scrounge up some lunch. You and izzi have a fabulous weekend. Hugs, Edna B.

The Queen Jester said...

Wow Izzy! You had the courage to take on cat herding? I'm impressed.

Ida said...

Izzy you are doing a fine job there. All that herding must have worked up a good appetite.

Stewart M said...

Somebody has to keep order in the house!

Glad you liked the FB feed - I try to keep busy as you can see!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

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