Saturday, October 31, 2015

Izzi Speak


Ridiculous, thats my words for this days.  Halloweens, whatever that means to you, means stupid costumes to me.  Do I looks like someones who wants to be a bunnys?  Every years we goes through this ... my Moms just doesn't gets it.  Halloweens is a peoples holidays ... dogs can't eats candys so theres no reasons to includes us in your funs.  I betters gets some good treats for this gigs ...



Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I agree with you Izzi. It is not a dog thing and you do look a bit of a plunker with those ears. Now why if your Mum wants to play halloween, don't you tell HER to wear the ears. that just might put a stop to her dressing you up. Anyway, I hope you r not frightened by any loouod bangs.

eileeninmd said...

LOL, cute Izzi! Happy halloween to you and your Mom.! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your weekend

Edna B said...

Izxi girl, you make a beautiful bunny! I'll bet your mom has a treat tucked away for you to enjoy tonight. Pogo and I are hoping to be able to see you tonight when we fly over your house. Halloween night is so exciting for us. We fly for hours and get to meet up with so many of our friends around the globe. Pogo has his little car seat on the back of my broom, and there's a little lapghan inside it to keep him toasty warm. Enjoy your treat, and have a nice evening. Hugs, Edna B.
p.s. Pogo sends you a woof and a lick for Halloween.

Elephant's Child said...

Pooooooor Izzi. Your mom is so cruel.

Maude Lynn said...

How precious!

Sylvia K said...

Ah, Izzi, you are beautiful whatever your human puts on you!! I'm hoping you get lots of great treats!!!

Stephanie said...

Awww so cute!

carol l mckenna said...

Adorable doggie but she doesn't look too happy with her Halloween array ~ Great shots!

Happy Weekend to you,
artmusedog and carol

marsha said...

I think you look adorable....

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