Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Wild Bird Wednesday

Driving home on the back roads we (my daughter- in- law and I) spotted a Turkey Vulture floating very low. As we watched he landed in a tree right by the road.  My Dil is from Thailand, so she had never seen a Turkey Vulture before.  We were both quite excited for different reasons.  My excitement stems from having a healthy respect for these birds as they keep our environment clean and free of disease causing bacteria.  And, having worked with them in a rahab facility, I know them to have a great deal of personality once they are habituated to humans.  As I am sure I have mentioned before, they are one of my favorite raptors.



Elephant's Child said...

What a wonderful sight to see.
Vultures are sadly underestimated, with an undeserved bad press.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Would be good to work with these birds to get to know their characters.

A Colorful World said...

What a nice sighting for your dil! Love the shots!

Stewart M said...

The are never going to win any beauty contests (who would?), but they are a really splendid bird - I have never had views this good of them.

Working at the re-hab centre must let you see some remarkable birds close up.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

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