Friday, October 23, 2015

Weekend Reflection

Art times two :)



Sylvia K said...

Great reflection for the day, Andrea!! So colorful!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!! Enjoy!

Lucy Corrander : Photos said...

The immediate impression is of a corner with duplicate art rather than a reflection. And the taps appear to be chess pieces! Posh place!

Elephant's Child said...

Clever. I really like the artwork too.

Edna B said...

Good morning Andrea. Goodness, it has been hectic at your house. I hope Mint is feeling better, and wish her a speedy recovery. It's tough when you have to rely on crutches to get around. I know!!! Gosh, what a super trip you have coming up. You must be so excited. Be sure to take lots and lots of photos.

I thought your "gargoyle art" was super creative. I loved the fence by the wild flowers. It is so very peaceful looking. It took me a while to find the cat in the "cat" art. I'm a bit "art technically" challenged. I like that reflection photo. I've taken a few similar to that one and I find them very interesting.

Last night, I was busy on my laptop (doing a jig saw puzzle) and Pogo started hopping all over me, nudging me and pawing at my lap and arm. I would pet him and set him down, but he came right back dong the same thing. I had to laugh and stop what I was doing, because he was telling me that he was hungry and wanted his supper right now!!! Of course, I got him his food. He is such a character, I can't help but hug him a lot.

It is so good to hear that Izzi is back to her trials. Slow and easy will work out just fine. She's a sweetheart, and very brave to be back at it so soon. Pogo sends her woofs and licks.

Yesterday, I started working on picking out photos for my new calendar. I don't know why I put it off for so long, but I always do. First I pick out all my favorites, then I narrow it down several times until I'm down to thirteen. This "narrowing down" is what takes me so long. I'll have to work a bit more on it today. Next, I have to design my Christmas card. I like to have both of these projects printed by the middle of November.

Now I'm off to get started on this new day. You have a wonderful day my friend, hugs, Edna B.

James said...

Art times three when you count your photo. :-)

Rain Frances Creations ... Peripheral Vision

 Peripheral Vision I know what Peripheral Vision is, but for the life of me, I can't think of a good way to draw it :(   Hope you all ha...