Sunday, September 16, 2012

Your Sunday Best

The drought has wrecked havoc in our wildlife sanctuaries ...
Yet, the wildflowers abound ... something only Mother Nature can understand ... 

Only an occasional Flying Flower where normally they would be plentiful
Let us count our blessing ...


Brian King said...

The wildflowers are beautiful!

Nancy said...

The blazing stars are so pretty -- it really was a difficult summer.

Thanks so much for sharing at Your Sunday Best this week.

Pat said...

That field of yellow wildflowers is beautiful!

Elephant's Child said...

I love your description of the 'flying flower'. So appropriate. I can remember reading that hard seasons tend to bring things to flower/fruition early so that they have the chance to set seed and preserve future offspring. Which makes sense.

Edna B said...

I shiver to think how much we have lost in all from the drought. Not only just in flowers and crops, but in domestic animals and wildlife too. Add to that the stress and losses to the people involved and it becomes really huge.

The other side of the coin happens at the same time with all the fires and floods and the same types of losses.

I agree we need to be thankful for what we do have. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Bruno Laliberté said...

It's been rather dry here too, and farmers are complaining about their crops... but I would love walking in that field, my fingers barely caressing these flowers, and sitting for a while by those ponds to see who would show up...

Jenny said...

You have such pretty wildflowers. Mine look like weeds. :(

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