Thursday, September 13, 2012

Photo Art Friday


Art has always been a part of my life.  My mother and my sister were extraordinarily talented and with their talent came the appreciation and sensitivity of the artist.  I was an observer, an absorber of the artistic process.  It was something I lived with, but not what I did.  My artistic talent was nominal, but I never regretted it because I was a Tomboy ... I played outside, I played sports, I played with animals, climbed trees and snatched grapes from my neighbor's vines.  I loved what my sister and mother did.  I was proud of both of them and often bragged to my classmates, but never had the inclination to be artistic until I grew older.  I think it was when I had children and I started making their cloths or cupcakes for their class parties.  It was never enough to just make a cupcake, it had to be decorated ... it had to be original.  See what absorption did to me :)  As I pursued my career after my children were older, I didn't really have time for art, other than I was still an observer, an appreciator and sometimes a dabbler.  But when I retired, my husband bought me a camera and that is where it all began.  Suddenly with time on my hands I started taking pictures and getting more and more involved with nature (another thing I grew up with).  As I started processing my own pictures, I found myself dabbling with them and soon I was creating things, things that were mine, that were a reflection of me and how I saw things artistically.  I am not the artist that my sister and mother were, but I have my own process.  I get great satisfaction in creating, but I don't have much confidence in what I create.  I do it mostly for my own satisfaction.  I do it to build on the love I feel for the artistic process, to find a way to be part of it, because it is so much a part of me.

The composite is made up of some of the pictures I have of my Mother's and Sister's artwork.  Hope you enjoy ...


A Garden of Threads said...

The picture is beautiful. You are a wonderful artists, you should feel a great satisfaction that you can produce such gorgeous work.

kareninkenai said...

Thank you so much for sharing; a beautiful story and what a wonderful composite and legacy your family has given you.

Elephant's Child said...

I have always been a touch sad (very sad if the truth is told) that I am not creative. A little while ago I had an epiphany. I am an appreciator - and I am necessary too.
Your artistry is there for us to behold, enjoy and marvel at on each and every post. I suspect that you are harder on yourself than you would be on anyone else.

A Creative Grace said...

That's a lovely story and a wonderful piece of art there :) keep up the good work!

Danielle said...

This is very beautiful! I agree...we all have our own process and that in itself is very artistic.

Kathy Reed said...

This is so sweet...

Edna B said...

What a wonderful insight you've given us. I was always drawn to music and wanted so badly to play an instrument, but it was not to be. Instead, I enjoy listening to the music. I love your collage. Such beauty around you! I'm at work now, so gotta go. You have a wonderful day. Hugs, Edna B.

Pat said...

Lovely work.

Ida said...

You are an artist. This is lovely and showcases the art of your mother/sister beautifully. Your talent is just as equal as theirs so never sell yourself short.

Ida said...

I tried to follow you via the email link on your blog but it's saying the "Feed" does not have Email Verification allowed.

Anonymous said...

beautiful post. so open and honest.
I do like your art, and I think you're very artistic person!

Farida said...

That is beautifully and skillfully written! Writing is also an art and I'm glad I managed to get into your because your thoughts inspire me.

By the way, would you like us to follow each other? I would like to get to know you more through your future posts. Happy weekend! :)

Miriam said...

I agree with momphotographer and I could have written so much of your post about myself. I found this quote by Theodore Roosevelt recently, I read it everyday.
Comparison is the thief of joy.
The image you shared today is really beautiful.

Currie Silver said...

There is always a story inside of us. How we chose this path or another. Who we are based on who we are NOT.

I love how you share YOUR Journey, and the stories you were telling, hearing, or simply imagining along the way. YOUR way...

This is a lovely way to share YOU with Bonnie's encouraging prompt. So rarely DO we get to focus in solely on OUR own path other than seeing how it is different, how WE are different...

You have given me pause to consider my own love affair with art and how it has woven itself in my Life.

Lovely from start to finish!!

Kim Stevens said...

I completely love it, the combined art and the words, the words...perfect!

Bruno Laliberté said...

Art is the expression of one self and how we see the world. No need comparing yourself to your siblings. You have your own vision. It is for you to explore it and push it further, not to imitate someone else's vision. Find comfort that your vision is as good as any because of its uniqueness.

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Your piece is magical, Andrea! It just pulls me in and I love the muted, monochromatic feel that is peaceful and calming. So pleased you shared the image, your phrase, and your journey with Photo Art Friday.

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