Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Arn't they magnificent ... oh, to be young again!

The Friesian (also Frisian) is a horse breed originating in Friesland, Netherlands. Although the breed's conformation resembles that of a light draft horse, Friesians are graceful and nimble for their size. During the Middle Ages, it is believed that the ancestors of Friesian horses were in great demand as war horses throughout continental Europe. Through the Early Middle Ages and High Middle Ages, their size enabled them to carry a knight in armor. In the Late Middle Ages, heavier, draft type animals were needed. Though the breed nearly became extinct on more than one occasion, the modern day Friesian horse is growing in numbers and popularity, used both in harness and under saddle. Most recently, the breed is being introduced to the field of dressage.


OrangeHeroMama said...

simply beautiful!!

mail4rosey said...

Definitely magnificent! I love this!

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful horse!! I am a horse lover and had two Arabians for years, still miss them! Terrific capture and interesting post for the day, Andrea!!

Brian King said...

Great shot! Friesians are gorgeous horses!

Elephant's Child said...

Both beautiful (horse and rider) and fascinating. Thank you.

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