Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wild Bird Wednesday

It is rare that I can get this close to an American Kestrel (male).  I suspect that they are young because there were two males in the same area ... but maybe not.  Maybe they aren't so territorial when it isn't mating season.  This little boy was enjoying a meal and seemed not the least concerned that I was taking his picture.  I actually drove away for awhile and came back and he was still there.  Note that he keeps his nictitating membrane closed while he eats.  That is to protect his eyes in case the prey strikes out at him.  He is a beauty and has some unusual markings which I caught in pictures on another day when we went back and he was still hanging in the same area (another post :)

The American Kestrel is the smallest Falcon in the United States.  He can also hover like the Rough Legged Hawk I featured last week.  They eat small prey and insects.  The female, which there were none around this day, is all Rufus with black stripes on her back, wings and tail.  They both have the identifying marks of  the dark face stripes (often called tears). 


Larry said...

Great shots Andrea of one of my favorite raptors!

Edna B said...

What an awesome photo opportunity! I don't think I've ever seen one of these in person and up close. Great job! Have a great night, Edna B.

Brian King said...

Fantastic shots, Andrea! Kestrels are handsome birds!

Kaili Williams said...

They are one of my favorite birds! Great shots - so lucky to see a male with those gorgeous slate blue wings :)

Dave said...

it is a stunning bird

Elephant's Child said...

That is a simply amazing bird. Thank you.

Findlay Wilde said...

It must have been great to get close. From Findlay

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