Sunday, September 30, 2012

Mandarin Orange Monday

The gorgeous wings of the Monarch Butterfly was my starting point this week.  As art goes, this is already magnificent ... I can't improve on Mother Nature, but I can dabble with her idea's.   I made use of the Clone stamp to expand the picture in different places.  Then I added  pdpa Just Peachy Texture at 50%.  What I did next, I didn't even know I could do ... I used the clone stamp to pull the wing up through the texture layer.  That was as much as I wanted to do ... for me this was a finished product except to play with framing.  I have a preference in the framing ... do you?

 In contrast with nature my next picture is a book on a man made wall shelf.  Very different in effect.  I tweaked the photo with PSE then used the Poster Edge Filter.  I started to frame it with the orange background and found I liked it best with just an orange edging.  So that is what I did. 

The last picture I ran across while looking for something for Photo Art Friday.  I actually used this tree on that meme, but I had applied it to this picture with the swans flying.  It, once again, is a different approach to Mandarin Orange Art though because I did it so long ago, I am unsure of what I used to get the effects.
That's all Folks, as the saying goes ...


Faye said...

Fantastic digital alterations of the monarch. I love the tree photo. It looks like a painting.

Elephant's Child said...

We get the Monarch butterfly here too - though it is (accurately) known as the Wanderer. I loved all of these but the swans won my heart.
Framing for the Monarch? The simpler the better. It is sufficiently beautiful to require no embellishment.

Liz said...

Beautiful! Have a fabulous week.

Liz @ MLC

Edna B said...

Wonderful pictures, but my favorite is the last one with the trees. This is gorgeous! Have a great day, hugs, Edna B.

EJ said...

You've done a great job!

Visiting from Mandarin Orange Monday, here's my Orange

Chubskulit Rose said...

I love those!

Visiting from Mandarin Orange Monday.
My Orange entry
Your comment is always a delight to read.

Ahayes1225 said...

Very interesting! great photo.

lorik said...

Thank you Andrea for explaining your techniques - it was most interesting - especially the bit about pulling the wing up through the texture layers. I must try that technique too. And I do like the framing and how the part of the image that is within the square is stronger in contrast and colour - a bit like a magnifying glass over it. The lilac texture in the background and merging with the edges of the butterfly is lovely.

I think you gave the book a sort of rich, aged (matured?) effect. The white gives it definition- which i like too.

And your final pic is veyr pretty and delicate I think - especially the lovely textures in the foliage.

I seem to have got a bit carried away here!! thanks for being part of Mandarin Orange Monday:)

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