Even though it is October, my Hibiscus( a genus of flowering plants in the mallow family, Malvaceae) are still blooming. The blooms are the size of a dinner plate and they are magnificent. There are many varieties. Mine are perennial and come back every year. I consider myself lucky because they are difficult to grow this far north and rarely come back from year to year. So, happily I share them with you ...
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Mandarin Orange Monday
In contrast with nature my next picture is a book on a man made wall shelf. Very different in effect. I tweaked the photo with PSE then used the Poster Edge Filter. I started to frame it with the orange background and found I liked it best with just an orange edging. So that is what I did.
The last picture I ran across while looking for something for Photo Art Friday. I actually used this tree on that meme, but I had applied it to this picture with the swans flying. It, once again, is a different approach to Mandarin Orange Art though because I did it so long ago, I am unsure of what I used to get the effects.
That's all Folks, as the saying goes ...
Your Sunday Best
By last week the fall colors were starting in Wisconsin. Down here, it seems like they have started and some are already losing their leaves. I am assuming that the drabness down here is due to the drought. These are pictures from Wisconsin that I took as we traveled the back roads getting to the whooping crane fly overs.
Sumac is always early and one of the brightest colored bushes in the fall ...
Here a pair of Sand Hill Cranes fly by a beautiful red tree ... I liked the contrast. Notice that the Sand Hill's are grey. Grey is their natural color and the brown color that we are used to seeing is caused by them painting themselves with iron rich mud during their mating season. It leaves enough of a stain on the feathers to change their color. I assume that the natural color returns as they molt. So, that was news to me ... thought I would pass it on :)
Time for harvest. The fields were golden where the corn still stood, but here you see bins of corn being carried to a destination unknown :)
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Photo Art Friday
This was a good prompt for me. I have been doing abstracts with my photo's for years, so I just headed back into my files and pulled up a few.
Unfortunately, I did these so long ago that I can't be sure what I used to accomplish my effects. I can tell you that it was in Photoshop Elements.
At this point, I decided it would be more fun to make some current abstracts and it would maybe show how my technique has grown (or at least changed).
This started with a photo of a deer in the woods. I tweaked the pictures with levels, brightness/contrast and hue/saturation. I then covered it with pdpa Dusty Rose Bokeh at 60%. I erased out the deer and recovered it with pdpa Dusty Rose Bokeh at 40% and added a border.
I started this with a photo of an unusual cloud formation, tweaking it with levels, brightness/contrast and hue/saturation. I placed the picture of the Sand hill Crane's in flight over the clouds at 68% and blended it in using the eraser and clone stamp. Added pdpa Vintage Craquelure texture at around 66% then used levels to accentuate it.
This was fun, as always. I am looking forward to everyone's version of abstractions in nature ...
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Mandarin Orange
I an runnng behind because I was gone for four days, but wanted to put something up for Mandarin Orange Monday ... on Tuesday :( Just a quicky ... hope you enjoy :)
Whooper Fesitval
Linked to Wild Bird Wednesday 11
Operation Migration ...
I spent the last weekend at the Whooping Crane Festival at the home of the wonderful and heroic Operation Migration location. We celebrated the birds and all of the dedicated people involved in the effort to establish a second Whooping Crane flock in order to insure the survival of the species.
To say it was a wonderful experience, enlightening and endearing, hardly touches on all the feelings I left with. These cranes are beautiful and courageous and their keepers are their equals. Between them there is hope of seeing whooping cranes in your sky again for years to come. My congratulations to all who have committed themselves to this extraordinary undertaking.
This year's class is made up of only six cranes (due to low egg production and the start up of a second flock now based at Horicon Marsh). They are raised throughout the summer by the dedicated staff ... a seven day a week, 24 hour commitment. They are trained by handlers who wear white costumes with a Whooping Crane puppet head on one hand so that they avoid any possibility of imprinting. These birds are raised to be a wild flock. Here they are following the ultralight aircraft which will lead them on their migration, possibly starting at the end of this week. To follow the day to day migration, click on http://www.ustream.tv/migratingcranes Each day is dictated by conditions and can be a go or not! The migration takes time as they travel only 50 miles on the days they can go to another preplanned station. This allows them to set up a pen that will protect the birds from predation during the night. The birds spend the winter at a final preplanned location under the care of biologists from the International Crane Foundation (another post on another day), Operation Migrations and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. The birds become independent when they choose to make the spring migration on their own back to their home in Wisconsin.
Two ultralights are used which allows greater control of the flight. Some birds will break off from one and go to the other as the mood strikes ... or as the other pilot encourages them.
In this shot you can clearly see the telemetry strapped to the leg of the crane. This is used to track the birds and find them if they were to go off course.
These are fledglings ... they still don't have their full adult coloring, but they are beautiful just as they are. "Cranes are among the most spectacular, elusive and beautiful birds on earth, with a heritage that goes back to prehistoric times ... they are creatures beyond the reach of words" (Aldo Leopold). I hope I have inspired some interest in the plight of these and other populations who face extinction. It is mans doing that they face this crisis ... it is man's responsibility to right his wrong.
If I have tweaked your interest, I have attached some information and links that will give you details. On the website there is opportunity to donate to Operation Migration ... if you are so inclined.
The following information was taken from the website: http://operationmigration.org/work_wcranes.html
Operation Migration has played a leading role in the reintroduction of endangered Whooping cranes into eastern North America since 2001. In the 1940s the species was reduced to just 15 birds.
Whooping Cranes
The Whooping Crane Recovery Team (WCRT) is the governing body charged with responsibility of the species. Consisting of ten members: five Americans and five Canadians the team of ornithologists and biologists provide policy recommendations to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and Canadian Wildlife Service. Primarily, the team plans actions to protect the Aransas/Wood Buffalo natural flock and to establish two additional flocks in efforts to safeguard the whooping crane from possible extinction.
The team's efforts to establish a non-migratory Whooping crane flock began in Florida in 1993, using cranes hatched in captivity. In September, 1999, after searching for the best possible location to establish a second migratory flock, the team recommended that the flock be taught a migration route with central Wisconsin as the northern terminus and the west coast of Florida as the new wintering location. The WCRT sanctioned Operation Migration's ultralight-led migration technique as the main reintroduction method.
The Founding Members of the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership Include:
Since it's founding in 1973, the International Crane Foundation (ICF), a non-profit organization, focuses attention on the conservation of the world's 15 species of cranes. Through its programs in education, research, field ecology, captive propagation, and reintroduction, ICF helps to ensure the survival of cranes and their habitats throughout the world.
ICF will have an active role in the reintroduction of an eastern migratory population of Whooping cranes. The new flock will be released in Wisconsin and taught to migrate to Florida. ICF will educate the public about the reintroduction effort through outreach programs and on-site tours.
The Natural Resources
Foundation of Wisconsin is a non-profit organization that promotes the
knowledge, enjoyment, and stewardship of Wisconsin’s natural resources by
providing educational programs and financially empowering grassroots as well as
professional environmental programs. We help a variety of DNR programs in need
of private sector support, but actively fundraise for selected major projects,
like the whooping crane recovery effort. We are committed to raise start-up
funds for the project’s first three years to help construct facilities and
purchase equipment critical to the project’s success.
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
Patuxent Wildlife Research Center of the
U. S. Geological Survey provides research support to client bureaus in the Dept.
of Interior, including the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U. S. Park Service,
the Bureau of Land Management, and other clients in the United States. Patuxent
is located in Laurel, MD on 12,800 acres of land managed for a diversity of
mid-Atlantic habitats.
The Wisconsin
Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is the State agency
charged with managing Wisconsin's environment; from fish and wildlife to air,
water, land, and outdoor recreation.
The National Fish and Wildlife
Foundation is a private, non-profit organization established by Congress in
1984 to benefit the conservation of fish, wildlife, and plants, and the habitat
on which they depend. Its goals are conservation education, habitat protection
and restoration, and natural resource management. The Foundation meets these
goals by creating partnerships between the public and private sectors, and
strategically investing in conservation projects.
Operation Migration is proud to be a founding member of
Operation Migration ...
I spent the last weekend at the Whooping Crane Festival at the home of the wonderful and heroic Operation Migration location. We celebrated the birds and all of the dedicated people involved in the effort to establish a second Whooping Crane flock in order to insure the survival of the species.
To say it was a wonderful experience, enlightening and endearing, hardly touches on all the feelings I left with. These cranes are beautiful and courageous and their keepers are their equals. Between them there is hope of seeing whooping cranes in your sky again for years to come. My congratulations to all who have committed themselves to this extraordinary undertaking.
This year's class is made up of only six cranes (due to low egg production and the start up of a second flock now based at Horicon Marsh). They are raised throughout the summer by the dedicated staff ... a seven day a week, 24 hour commitment. They are trained by handlers who wear white costumes with a Whooping Crane puppet head on one hand so that they avoid any possibility of imprinting. These birds are raised to be a wild flock. Here they are following the ultralight aircraft which will lead them on their migration, possibly starting at the end of this week. To follow the day to day migration, click on http://www.ustream.tv/migratingcranes Each day is dictated by conditions and can be a go or not! The migration takes time as they travel only 50 miles on the days they can go to another preplanned station. This allows them to set up a pen that will protect the birds from predation during the night. The birds spend the winter at a final preplanned location under the care of biologists from the International Crane Foundation (another post on another day), Operation Migrations and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. The birds become independent when they choose to make the spring migration on their own back to their home in Wisconsin.
Two ultralights are used which allows greater control of the flight. Some birds will break off from one and go to the other as the mood strikes ... or as the other pilot encourages them.
In this shot you can clearly see the telemetry strapped to the leg of the crane. This is used to track the birds and find them if they were to go off course.
These are fledglings ... they still don't have their full adult coloring, but they are beautiful just as they are. "Cranes are among the most spectacular, elusive and beautiful birds on earth, with a heritage that goes back to prehistoric times ... they are creatures beyond the reach of words" (Aldo Leopold). I hope I have inspired some interest in the plight of these and other populations who face extinction. It is mans doing that they face this crisis ... it is man's responsibility to right his wrong.
The following information was taken from the website: http://operationmigration.org/work_wcranes.html
Operation Migration has played a leading role in the reintroduction of endangered Whooping cranes into eastern North America since 2001. In the 1940s the species was reduced to just 15 birds.
Whooping Cranes
The Whooping Crane is the most famous endangered bird in North
America. In part because it is large, distinctive, and photogenic and partly
because, since 1967, Canadians and Americans have cooperated in a successful
recovery program to safeguard it from extinction.
DescriptionThe adult Whooping Crane Grus americana, is the tallest North American bird. It has a long neck, long dark pointed bill, and long thin black legs. A large male is about 1.5 m tall. In the air, the wings measure 2 meters or more between the tips of the long black primaries, or flight feathers, which cannot usually be seen when the bird is at rest. | |
The juvenile bird has dark brown eyes upon hatching, which change to light blue, and finally yellow as the bird matures. Plumage is reddish-brown. In adults and juveniles the primary wing feathers are black. |
At close range, the adult Whooping Crane is an imposing bird, with
stark-white feathers; short, black bristle like feathers on the crown and face,
and a small black patch on the back of the head below the crimson
Whooping cranes take their name from their distinctive whooping call. During the early spring courtship, a pair
of birds may perform a duet, or unison call. A nesting whooper frequently bugles
loud and clear during the early morning hours. This sound carries over several
kilometers, and it is used by the adults to advertise their breeding territory
to other Whooping Cranes. Adult birds at the nest use a purring sound referred
to as a contact call to communicate with newly
hatched chicks.
When the weather is good and the winds favourable, a migrating Whooping Crane flies like a glider, on fixed wings. The bird spirals upwards (aided by thermal activity), glides down, dropping as low as 70 m above ground, and then begins spiraling upwards again. This spiraling and gliding, carried out when the cranes encounter suitable thermal updrafts, is energy-efficient and allows the cranes to fly nonstop for great distances.
When the weather is good and the winds favourable, a migrating Whooping Crane flies like a glider, on fixed wings. The bird spirals upwards (aided by thermal activity), glides down, dropping as low as 70 m above ground, and then begins spiraling upwards again. This spiraling and gliding, carried out when the cranes encounter suitable thermal updrafts, is energy-efficient and allows the cranes to fly nonstop for great distances.
In flight, Whooping cranes can be distinguished from other large
white birds by the long neck extended forward and legs that trail equally
straight behind. Whooping cranes communicate vocally with each other even while
flying, using flight calls. Birds often confused
with the Whooping Crane are American White Pelican, Tundra Swan, and Lesser Snow
Goose. All three species are mostly or entirely white but, in flight, none has
long legs trailing behind.
Each fall, the only naturally occurring Whooping cranes migrate
south from Canada's Wood Buffalo National Park to their traditional wintering
grounds in Texas at the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge. The birds spend the
winter feeding and resting. Wintering Whooping cranes prefer blue crabs and
several types of clams, but they also eat crayfish, small fish, snakes, insects,
acorns, and small wild fruit.
In early spring, while still on the wintering grounds, pairs of cranes whoop and dance as part of courtship. Dancing intensifies until the migrants depart, usually in mid-March. The breeding pairs begin arriving in northern Wood Buffalo National Park during the third week in April, where each pair establishes a territory.
In early spring, while still on the wintering grounds, pairs of cranes whoop and dance as part of courtship. Dancing intensifies until the migrants depart, usually in mid-March. The breeding pairs begin arriving in northern Wood Buffalo National Park during the third week in April, where each pair establishes a territory.
Breeding & Nesting
Whoopers usually build a nest in marshes or shallow ponds, in
about 25 cm of water (the flightless chicks can swim to escape predators) and
most often in relatively dense stands of bulrush.
A pair usually has two eggs. Both eggs generally hatch, but if
both eggs are left in the nest, usually only one chick survives. The reason for
this may be related to a food shortage, particularly when wet areas begin to dry
out and terrestrial predators, such as the gray wolf, are able to penetrate the
cranes' nesting marshes.
The incubation period is 29– 30 days, and both parents share the task of incubating the eggs in the nest. Few eggs are lost to predators thanks, in part, to the vigil of the adult birds. The reddish orange young hatch during the last week in May or the first week in June. From then on, the parents are kept busy feeding their chicks. During the summer, the cranes rarely fly. Some birds may be incapable of flight during short periods due to the molt of major wing feathers.
The incubation period is 29– 30 days, and both parents share the task of incubating the eggs in the nest. Few eggs are lost to predators thanks, in part, to the vigil of the adult birds. The reddish orange young hatch during the last week in May or the first week in June. From then on, the parents are kept busy feeding their chicks. During the summer, the cranes rarely fly. Some birds may be incapable of flight during short periods due to the molt of major wing feathers.
Family groups frequent the shallows of small ponds and marshes,
where the adults perhaps find larval forms of insects such as dragonflies,
damselflies, and mayflies, and also snails, small clams, water beetles, leeches,
frogs, and small fish to feed their young. When the parent birds kill larger
prey, such as snakes, mice, small birds, ducklings, and even birds up to the
size of half-grown bitterns, they share the spoils of these hunts with their
By the end of September or early October the young birds are ready to try their wings on the 4000 km migration to the Texas winter range. On the way south, the birds spend one to five weeks feeding in their staging (stopover) areas in Saskatchewan. In these areas, undisturbed whoopers may spend the entire one- to five-week staging period on the same quarter or half-section of land. Here the birds fatten up on waste barley and wheat in stubble fields, and roost during the night in nearby wetlands.
By the end of September or early October the young birds are ready to try their wings on the 4000 km migration to the Texas winter range. On the way south, the birds spend one to five weeks feeding in their staging (stopover) areas in Saskatchewan. In these areas, undisturbed whoopers may spend the entire one- to five-week staging period on the same quarter or half-section of land. Here the birds fatten up on waste barley and wheat in stubble fields, and roost during the night in nearby wetlands.
Recovery Efforts
It is believed that approximately 1,400 whooping cranes existed in
1860. Their population declined because of hunting and habitat loss until 1941
when the last migrating flock dwindled to an all-time low of 15 birds. The wild
flock has slowly increased to over 180 in late 1999. This flock winters in and
around Aransas National Wildlife Refuge on the Gulf coast of Texas. In spring,
they migrate north, nesting in Wood Buffalo National Park, which straddles the
border of Alberta and Northwest Territories in Canada. This flock of whooping
cranes is the only naturally occurring wild population in the world. Scientists
have long recognized the risk of having all of the wild whooping cranes using
one wintering and breeding location. With all the wild birds concentrated in one
small area, the population could be wiped out by disease, bad weather, or human
impacts. Whooping crane survival depends on additional, separated
International Whooping Crane Recovery Team
The Whooping Crane Recovery Team (WCRT) is the governing body charged with responsibility of the species. Consisting of ten members: five Americans and five Canadians the team of ornithologists and biologists provide policy recommendations to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and Canadian Wildlife Service. Primarily, the team plans actions to protect the Aransas/Wood Buffalo natural flock and to establish two additional flocks in efforts to safeguard the whooping crane from possible extinction.
The team's efforts to establish a non-migratory Whooping crane flock began in Florida in 1993, using cranes hatched in captivity. In September, 1999, after searching for the best possible location to establish a second migratory flock, the team recommended that the flock be taught a migration route with central Wisconsin as the northern terminus and the west coast of Florida as the new wintering location. The WCRT sanctioned Operation Migration's ultralight-led migration technique as the main reintroduction method.
Government Agencies and Non-Profit
Organizations joining forces to safeguard the rarest crane in the
| |
To assist in carrying out this monumental reintroduction effort,
several government and non-profit organizations have joined forces with
Operation Migration and now comprise the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership
(WCEP).Visit the WCEP
The Founding Members of the Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership Include:
International Crane Foundation
Since it's founding in 1973, the International Crane Foundation (ICF), a non-profit organization, focuses attention on the conservation of the world's 15 species of cranes. Through its programs in education, research, field ecology, captive propagation, and reintroduction, ICF helps to ensure the survival of cranes and their habitats throughout the world.
ICF will have an active role in the reintroduction of an eastern migratory population of Whooping cranes. The new flock will be released in Wisconsin and taught to migrate to Florida. ICF will educate the public about the reintroduction effort through outreach programs and on-site tours.
The ICF Crane Conservation Department will provide expertise in
rearing chicks for release, and monitor the health of the new flock. The ICF
Development Team will participate in securing funding for this project.
Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service and Canadian
Wildlife Service are given the responsibility by law to recover endangered
species. The service will facilitate a diverse partnership of federal, state,
and private organizations whose common goal is to establish a second migratory
flock of Whooping cranes in the eastern states.
Additionally, the service has a primary responsibility for
operations at the Wisconsin release site (Necedah National Wildlife
Refuge) and the Florida wintering site (Chassahowitzka National
Wildlife Refuge).
As part of the overall team, the service is also responsible for
flyway states coordination, budget development, and project outreach and
USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center
Patuxent raises about two-thirds of all Whooping cranes for
release to the wild, and will supply a substantial number of cranes for the
Wisconsin-to-Florida release project.
Patuxent will also provide research and logistical support for
the Wisconsin release. This support will include rearing Sandhill and Whooping
crane chicks conditioned to follow ultralight aircraft. Patuxent will ship these
chicks to the Necedah National Wildlife Refuge in Wisconsin for continued
ultralight training.
USGS National Wildlife Health Center
The USGS National Wildlife Health Center (NWHC) is a Federal
diagnostic and research laboratory under the Department of Interior. The
Center's focus is on prevention, detection and management of wildlife disease
for the benefit of free-living wildlife. Efforts are concentrated on animals
under Federal stewardship such as migratory birds and mammals, endangered
species and animals on Federal lands. NWHC was established in 1975 and is based
in Madison, Wisconsin. Center staff provide diagnostic and research services
nationwide and internationally. The Center has provided veterinary consultation,
diagnostic services, collaboration on health risk assessments and disease
research in support of the crane project.
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Wisconsin was the first State to officially partner with the
Whooping Crane Recovery Team (WCRT) and the US Fish & Wildlife Service in
the effort to establish an eastern-migrating population of Whooping cranes. The
WCRT chose Wisconsin as the summer nesting site.
The state maintains and manages a portion of the wetland complex
that will support the Whooping crane flock, and has supplied much of the
environmental data used to assess the suitability of the Wisconsin site where
the cranes will be released. The DNR is also funding the project coordinator's position and is
providing many staff and department resources to the project.
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
The Foundation awards challenge grants in which awarded seed
funds must be matched with additional funding. The Foundation's challenge grants
not only increase dollars directed to conservation, but also increase
organizations dedicated to conservation. The Foundation facilitates cooperation
and buy-in from diverse stakeholders by creating partnerships among federal,
state, and local governments; corporations; private foundations; individuals;
and non-profit organizations.
Operation Migration is proud to be a founding member of
Whooping Crane
Eastern Partnership.
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