Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Wild Bird Wednesday

Great Blue Heron

It is not usual to have a Great Blue Heron hunting in your back yard ...
Even the squirrels were a bit taken back ...

 But he was here with a purpose ... be warned if you are squeamish :(

 One quick gulp and gone ...

 Can still see the lump in his throat ...

 As he heads off to find another tasty morsel ...

 He is a handsome fellow with a slight wound on his wing which hasn't slowed him down.  He has continued to hunt here for days diminishing our chipmonk population dramatically.  That is nature and it is probably a good thing as the chipmonks can creat a great deal of damage over time ... but still makes me a little sad :(


The End


Maude Lynn said...

Fantastic shots!

eileeninmd said...

Wow, awesome sighting and captures of the Heron with it's dinner. Happy June, enjoy your day!

NatureFootstep said...

what a great serie of images of your great blue. Loved the first image with a very impressed squirrel :)

Elephant's Child said...

My wimpy self would be sad too. Even knowing that the bird has to eat...

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

That is nature Andrea. Everything has to eat and nature know beter than us how to do that to keep all things in balance. These are a gorgeous series of shots.

Forest Dream Weaver said...

And the Heron looks so innocent.
Brilliant first photo......thank you!

Adam Jones said...

What a majestic bird, but sadly that is nature. :(

Edna B said...

What wonderful photos of your heron. I especially loved the first one with the squirrel looking on. Having this type of view from one's porch has to be awesome.

I also enjoyed the elephant photos, although I always wonder about how they are treated. They are such beautiful animals.

How is Izzi coming along with that splint thing on her leg? Pogo sends her a big lick and some woofs. Get well pretty girl.

Today is cloudy, but comfortable. A good day to do a few things around the house and maybe a bit of crocheting. I'm waiting for a huge orange iris bud to open so that I can get photos of it.

Now I'm off to do the dishes. You have a wonderful weekend my friend. Hugs, Edna B.

Neil said...

Great series on the Heron.

Jeanne said...

What an amazing/ and a little shocking thing to see and even have your camera ready for. By By chipmunk. That was not that squirrel was it???

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