Friday, June 3, 2016

Wekend Reflection

Over and Under :)



Molly said...

Great reflection shot. You should totally try it in black and white I bet it would look great


James said...

Too cool! Great reflection!

NatureFootstep said...

great reflection. But I wonder what it is used for.

Elephant's Child said...

Clever. You do find some unusual reflections. The artist in you...

orvokki said...

Very clever reflection, I like a lot.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Brilliant relection shot Adnrea. Have a WONDERFUL week ahead.

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

It is the frame for the cover over the boat ... they just haven't put the cover on yet so I took the opportunity to capture it :)


marsha said...

wow- what a super reflection!

Jeanne said...

Love that shot! Was t hat in Thailand??

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