Monday, June 13, 2016

Through My Lens

Lisu Mountain Village near Fang, Thailand

The Lisu tribe is know as the tribe of many colors because they use many variations of color, one on top of the other, to decorate their traditional costume.(Look back at Lisu Wedding post).  The Lisu are a Tibeto- Burman highland tribe originally from southwest China (Yunnan province). Their main occupation is farming. In China they were known to be fierce fighters who waged war to protect themselves against the Han invaders. 

You can see the different plots of land, each being farmed by a different family ...

Motor bikes are the main form of transportation (as is the case all over Thailand)

School was just letting out ...

The Lisu people are are orderly and independent and are know to be open to change which has been instrumental in their success as a tribe.  My daughter-in-law is Lisu and her family is gracious and loving.  She and her immediate family no longer live in Fang.  They have a small farm outside of Chiang Doa(see Chiang Doa post), but have relatives in the mountain village that they visit often and participate in Lisu celebrations.  It was our honor to be able to learn about the Lisu Tribe and their traditions while in Thailand.


(also linked to)


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

What an amazing experience for you to be there and learn all about this tribe and how they live.

Edna B said...

I think the fences are very interesting. Unique is better word. I've often wondered, how do the chickens and their chicks know enough to stay in their own yard? Not that it matters much. I love how they have free range.

Today Eddie is working on our upstairs bathroom. Part of the floor needs replacing and then of course all the floor tiles. Hopefully, this will be finished before the day is out.

I had errands to do today, but I'll have to do them tomorrow. Our weather this week is slowly warming up to summer temps. The sun is warm but there is a nice breeze.

Today I spent a few hours getting tax stuff ready for next year. I till have a bit to do, but every bit done now makes it easier next winter. At least I hope so.

Pogo sends woofs and a big lick for Izzi, and hope she is doing better. You have a wonderful evening. Hugs, Edna B.

Elephant's Child said...

What a beautiful place. Not an easy life though.
Thank you.

Stewart M said...

"and are know to be open to change" - I wonder if we could persuade some of them to move into government! Great post!

Cheers (and sorry about the slowness of my visit) - Stewart M - Melbourne

Little Wandering Wren said...

Andrea you are in such a unique situation now, we have always loved our holidays in Thailand, Burma, China but we will always be visitors. You have family connections which is so special. I have enjoyed your peep into life of the Lisu tribe.
Wren x

Rain Frances Creations ... Microphone

My FH and I often watch groups perform on YouTube in the  evening ... You will note that they all seem to rely on microphones while they are...