Tuesday, June 14, 2016

NF Trees and Bushes

Honey Suckle

This little Honey Suckle started out a scrawny little bush.  We were going to cut it down and then decided to trim it back to the ground.  Every year it comes back as a new version of itself.  This year is the best so far :)



ulla laiho said...

'Guldbagge' is the insect Cetonia aurata.
Your bush has very beautiful flowers - they look like a Kolkwitzia I have.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

it is gorgeous. You must be doing something right Andrea

NatureFootstep said...

when I was a young woman Honey Suckle fragrance was the only one I used. I loved it! Thanks for the reminder :)

eileeninmd said...

Hello, your honeysuckle bush is a pretty color. Our is just white with some yellow. Enjoy your day!

Elephant's Child said...

Wow. And here our honey suckle has plans for world domination... Yours looks MUCH better.

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