Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Wild Bird Wednesday

A Potpourri of Cold

Brrrrr ...



eileeninmd said...

Wonderful variety of birds and photos. I like the cute dove on the bath! Happy Tuesday, enjoy your week ahead!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

yes it does looks cold there but the birds are looking great.

Gayle said...

Look alot like the feathered friends atMuldoon. Very nice photos.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh what pretty birds you have my dear! And what cold ones (though I have to say it doesn't seem to be affecting them to much). But it made me cold ;>) Lovely series and I envy you having birds in your backyard. We don't have that any more.

Breathtaking said...

Hello Andrea!:) All lovely captures, but I especially like the precious image of the dove, and geese in flight.I agree about the last image, brrr but the Starlings don't seem to mind.:)

marsha said...

What a fabulous series of shots. I LOVE the last the photo with the blackbirds.

A Colorful World said...

Just gorgeous! Love all these, but that last one is too awesome! :-)

 Insanity - The state of being seriously mentally ill, madness! Sound like anyone you know???