Wednesday, January 20, 2016

NF DAM Digital Art Meme



Anonymous said...

there is nothing left of my linky. You can visit me on my normal main blog.
it was too much for me, there are some health-sorrows in my family.
we see us, at google-plus, at Monica --- at a lot of places in the net.
Was it fin in Thailand?! I am sure, it was!!!!!!!!!!

Let us stay friends.
Herzlich Pippa
who loves your KECK bird.

NatureFootstep said...

your cardinal (?) has got a golden finish. It looks lovely, almost better then the real one :)

The black thing on the balcony is just a silk shirt I hanged to make it darker.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Now this is brilliant Andrea

Edna B said...

Wow, I've missed so many fun posts. I love all your winter birds, especially the adorable little birds taking an icy bath. The horse in your fence photo is just gorgeous, but why the electric fence? Is this not dangerous to the animals?

I thought "cat nap" was quite interesting, and I love your secret door. You continually amaze me with your photo creativity. It's good that you can enjoy some of this wicked winter cold weather. I would just be happy to be able to keep our door open so that we could watch what goes on outdoors but it is too cold for that.

Today I want to shop online for a new tote to use as a purse/carry all/carry on for my flight to Florida. It must be light, yet accommodate my important things. I need to keep whatever I must carry down to a minimum. Pogo and I will be travelling home by ourselves. I used to drive everywhere. Maybe I should think about doing that again.

Now I need to make my shopping list for late this afternoon. There's some weather headed our way for the weekend so we'll be staying in a while longer.

You have a wonderful day, and give Izzi a hug from Pogo. Hugs, Edna B.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Beautiful and creative.

 Insanity - The state of being seriously mentally ill, madness! Sound like anyone you know???