Saturday, January 16, 2016

s-A(R) T-urday Art Linkup

Something I would like to see more of ...



Elephant's Child said...

Here in Oz, it seems that virtually nothing is made here any longer. Sigh.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Very clever

NatureFootstep said...

an interesting piece of art :) Triggers the imagination.

You know Andrea, if I should ever create a book, I would cooperate with you. I´m amazed how you sometimes describe my images. I rarely think about hem but you describe them in a wonderful way. :)

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

I think you should create a book ... have you looked into a local printer? I would be honored to cooperate with you ... it is easy to find beauty in your work and they are well worth your putting them into print. I bet your beautiful granddaughter would love it :)


Anonymous said...

...still miss you as follower on my main blog
herzlich Pippa

Claudia W | ImagesByCW said...

Another interesting (in a good way) image, Andrea. It is true, there are oh so many things made in e.g. China, but there is reason for it. Most people don't want to or cannot pay the price of e.g. American made. And sometimes it may just be mere inconvenience that we buy something online instead of going to our local stores. I know I am somewhat guilty of this, too.

Thanks for linking up at Saturday Art and apologies for being so late!

NatureFootstep said...

sure, if it only came to images. But you need a story too. :)
Will see how the exhibition turns out. Shall be interesting to see people watch them in person :)

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Ah yes, CW, but if there were more American manufacturing there would be more jobs and then more people could afford the American goods. American's get paid higher wages than the Chinese, but they spend it here and that is what makes the economy work. It's a matter of keeping things in balance and our best economic engine is the Middle class.


LA Botchar said...

Well a lot of my stuff does say Made in USA -- but then, I am in Canada. ha.
But I do get the meaning - I try to buy more local stuff and support our home business as much as possible. Always comes down to that almighty dollar though, doesn't it.

 Insanity - The state of being seriously mentally ill, madness! Sound like anyone you know???