Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Wild Bird Wednesday

Juvenile European Starling

I think somebody forgot to give him the message ... when the human comes FLY!!!



eileeninmd said...

Hello Andrea, cute shots of the juvenile Starling. He/she must feel safe there. Enjoy your day!

Sylvia K said...

What a beautiful bird and great shots!! He does indeed seem to feel quite safe!! Fun ones for the day, Andrea!! Thanks for sharing!! Hope you have a great new week!!

EG CameraGirl said...

Juvenile starlings look so amazingly different from their parents!

Elephant's Child said...

He/she definitely has his eye on you...

Edna B said...

I love your baby Starling photos. What a cutie! Hopefully, it was only standing still out of curiousity. Your photo of all the greenery is wonderful. I just love that view. Some of our trees are beginning to turn colors too.

Today is another hot one, but at least there is a breeze. Our flag has been waving happily all morning. It's truly a beautiful sight. Pogo and I are still celebrating Labor Day. Lazy, I mean! We are expecting a break in the temperatures in a few days, and then we are going to park for a picnic lunch.

Not much happening around here. We're just waiting for the demise of the Fat Rat and any relatives he may have around here. Now it's time to see about lunch for my little guy. You and Izzi have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Ida said...

I don't know but in that last shot he looks a bit "peeved" at you. Fun series of this bird.

NatureFootstep said...

lol, it looks like it want to run, but don´t know how :)

A Colorful World said...

We walked right up to a young bird in the grass last summer in Colorado, too. They are so cute not knowing we could be a danger, and being just as curious about us as we are of them. Nice shots!

Rohrerbot said...

Surprisingly I've never seen a European Starling before. Cute little invasive bird:)

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