Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Wild Bird Wednesday

A summer's long story ...


A happy ending ... All four survived to fledge.  Safe travels, my little friends  :)



Sylvia K said...

I do love your birds for the day and the first shot is a hoot!! What a big mouth!! Thanks for sharing the fun and the beauty, as always! Hope your week is off to a great start, Andrea!!

Edna B said...

Oh Andrea, what awesome photos! I've never been able to get this close to a nest to watch the babies hatch and grow. Oh my, what fun. I'm so glad that all four babies lived. You'll have lots of new Robins to watch now.

Today I'm being lazy. I had a little nap this morning, and I'm hoping to get lots of sleep tonight. My body seems to want to sleep during the day, and stay awake all night long. I wouldn't mind, but it makes it difficult to keep appointments, etc. Ah well.

It's still very hot and sticky here. I'm trying not to complain much about it because soon enough we'll be having the cold temps. Well, I'm off to see about some lunch for my little guy. You and Izzi have a fabulous day, hugs, Edna B.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

WOW! You kept that quiet Andrea but it was worth the wait tosee the lovely series of shots from eggs to fledged birds.

Elephant's Child said...

Wow, wow, and wow.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, it is so cute to watch the Robins progress. I love the cute babies. Great post. Enjoy your day!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Oh this is wonderful Andrea! We watched a nest at our sons home a couple of years ago, but we're only visiting for two weeks ... They kept us informed of the progress after we left.... I envied them as I do you for getting to watch the whole thing! Beautiful pictures.

Ida said...

Hooray for a happy ending! What a fun thing to have witnessed.

Mary Howell Cromer said...

How sweet, and precious and lovely, beautiful share Andrea. Be blessed my friend~

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