Saturday, September 19, 2015

Camera Critters

Painted Turtles at the State Park ...

This used to be a great spot for bird pictures.  I saw my first Green Heron here, but today there were no birds, just turtles.  I had to climb through a thicket of Hawthorn bushes to get to it ... yes, thorns and all.  It's disappointing that they can't make an effort to keep the Hawthorn under control. It
is a nonnative invasive plant that is very destructive to a native ecosystem.


(also shared with ...)


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Hope you did not get any thorns in you getting these great shots

eileeninmd said...

Hello Andrea, I love the turtles, great shots. You are brave to climb thru the thorns. Have a happy weekend!

sandyland said...

so so special thanks

Sylvia K said...

Ah, that turtle line-up is great, Andrea!! What a fun shot! Hope you have a lovely weekend -- you and the turtles!!

Elephant's Child said...

I have never, ever seen so many turtles (of any sort) at once. Thank you for braving the prickles. Invasive species, particularly near waterways, are a big issue here too. Community groups work on them because the authorities don't seem to have the inclination, the time, the funds...

Jeanne said...

Excellent shots, especially the last one. Defiantly worth the trouble with thorns.

Edna B said...

Great shots, Andrea. I have to agree, I've never seen this many turtles all together at once either. It was well worth climbing through the Hawthorn to get these shots. We have several invasive species here too, and again, the local authorities don't seem to get involved in cutting any of them back.

Today is another simply gorgeous day here in New England. Tomorrow and the next few days are supposed to be heavenly, in the 70's. Ooooh, I love it!!

I imagine Izzi is enjoying the cooler temps. With all that hair on her, the fall weather must feel really refreshing. Now I have dishes to wash, so you and Izzi have a fantabulous day. Hugs, Edna B.

Lea said...

Wow! They are enjoying the sunshine!
Great photos!

Little Wandering Wren said...

You tell 'em Andrea, start a 'cut down the Hawthorn' petition and I'll be there signing in my best hand writing, I seem to be non stop signing petitions these days! Mind you can we do this one slightly secretly as my husband supports Hawthorn (an Australian Rules Football team) and won't have a word bad said against them - te he!
Loved seeing the turtles and hope you are not too scratched!
Wren x

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