Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Wild Bird Wednesday

Wood Ducks

Alas, Mr. and Mrs. Wood Duck made it to my ground feeders.  I have seen them in the trees, but they are very shy and leave as soon as they see me in the yard.  This time, though, I took the pictures through my (dirty) window and they even came up to the feeder by the house.  I just love this pair.  He, however, doesn't stick around.  I will see her all summer in the channel with a string of babies behind her, but he is nowhere to be seen.  Where do those bad boys go, I wonder ...

Here they are joined bu Mr. and Mrs. Mallard who come to my feeders daily  and don't seem to mind if I am in the yard unless I start moving toward them.

Apparently there was little left at either site, so they meandered back to the lake and flew away.  I hope they come back ... I think they are so beautiful.

One morning last week when I went out to fill my feeders, I was greeted by this huge flock of Tree Swallows.  I assume they were migrating back to their homes up north or even a few that stay around here.  We have mainly Barn Swallows on the lake and I have seen a few of them skimming the lake in search of insects ... sadly it has been to cold and there few insects to feed them.  But they will survive and build their nests in the canopies of the boat lifts, as they do every year.
Happy WBW ...



Sylvia K said...

Beautiful ducks and SO colorful!! Love your captures as always, Andrea!! Hope your week is going well!!

TexWisGirl said...

cute little swallows! poor babies! love when the wild ducks come up to the feeders.

Susan said...

I agree with you- wood ducks are so beautiful- all of those magnificent colors! Interesting post, Andrea.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Yes I agree, these Wood ducks are so pretty adn great tht they came to your ground feeders. Boy, those are a huge group of Tree Swallows.

Adam Jones said...

Such pretty little ducks.

Hootin Anni said...

My goodness, my goodness....wood ducks. I don't know if you ever visit me at I'd Rather B Birdin' blog, but in the corner of my sidebar I have four birds that are on my 'list' of spotting for this year. I've crossed out one so far, but I must say wood ducks are there in the corner of 'to see'....I am always so jealous of those that can see and photograph these beauties...and I keep on hoping.

Just look at all those swallows!!! Amazing.

And, Andrea....I wanted to send along my thanks so much for all the info about cholesterol you left for me in my comments. What you posted, I took to 'heart' and felt a bit comforted by what you told me. At first I was elated by the low numbers, but then I got home and got to thinking [that hurt!!] that maybe it was now TOO low. Next month I'll find out....if not before, I may call and have a phone in appointment with the RNs. But thanks again, your words helped.

EG CameraGirl said...

I have been trying to get photos of a male wood duck for a few weeks now. I see you beat me to it!

NatureFootstep said...

the wood duck is one I still have to see. They are really good looking. So many swallows. Lucky you. Ours has not come yet. It will still take a while.

Pat said...

They are beautiful!

Edna B said...

Your ducks are just beautiful. I don't think I've ever seen a wood duck or even a swallow in real life. We have mostly mallards and a few other odd ones at our park. Your tree trunk photos are wonderful. I take photos of tree trunks too, so it's good to know I'm not the only one. This is a short comment because I'm beginning to get tired. You have a wonderful evening, hugs, Edna B.

Christian Perrin said...

What a shame that such a beautiful duck is also a deadbeat Dad! :)

Stewart M said...

The wood duck really is a cracking looking bird - only ever seen two - a Mr and Mrs. Thats a lot of Swallows - makes you realise how many insects they must eat in the course of a summer!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

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