Thursday, April 23, 2015

Good Fences

We are walking in the forest preserves again ... all of their fences seem to be the same, but the scenery is different :)

Happy Fence Day!



eileeninmd said...

What a great scene, a pretty place to walk your dogs. I love the shadows too. Wonderful capture. Happy Thursday!

TexWisGirl said...

nice place to walk and excellent companions! :)

21 Wits said...

Now that's a fun day for all. It looks a lot like our weather here too, still needing a jacket!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Good walking boardwalk. Love the dogs.

Edna B said...

This looks like such a wonderful place for a leisurely walk. It's one of the things I miss most about my life changes. Most of my life I walked everywhere, so at least I have that. To me, the fences look very comforting, like old friends keeping an eye for you.

Today is a little cooler, but still quite nice. It will be cloudy mostly for the next couple of days, maybe with a little rain mixed in. There's been a lot of traffic on our street today, so Pogo has been quite busy at the door, barking at every one who passed by out front. He'll be working up for a good nap soon. haha.

I'm laying low again today. After a very sleepless night, I may have to try for a little nap this afternoon. I'll be so glad when this bug is finally gone out of my system. It just takes so much longer in us older folks. Ah well, I wasn't going anywhere special anyway. See how life works things out? By the time I'm back up and running, the weather will be even nicer.

Well, I need to see what's in the fridge for my little man's lunch. I sometimes wish he would eat noodles. I always have noodles on hand. Ah well, he takes good care of me, so I'm sure I'll find something tasty for him.

I hope your weather is improving by now. You and Izzi have a wonderful day. Hugs, Edna B.

Carola Bartz said...

And the scenery is beautiful! Of course their fences are all the same because they are beautiful, sturdy fences that just fit perfectly into nature!

Ida said...

Wonderful shot. I like the lines of the fences and the shadows and your traveling companions seem to be enjoying the views.

Pauline said...

If there is only one sort of fence, that is a nice sort to have. All the fences where I live are the much the same, too but, as you say, the scenery changes.

Jeanne said...

What a great fenced walkway this is! looks like a little cool out yet though.

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