Saturday, April 4, 2015

Camera Critters

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I belong to the Northern Illinois Raptor Center (TNIRC) and one of the things we do is take our Raptors to events and educate the public the important roll these birds play in maintaining the ecological balance.  

This event was the Hoffman Estates Celtic Fest
Red Tail

Great Horned Owl 

Barred Owl

American Kestrel

Screech Owl  

Peregrine Falcon

All of our birds are rehab birds that cannot be released to the wild.  The organization is licensed by the US Fish and Wild Life who also define the care and housing of the birds.   Our purpose at this point in time is to educate the public on many aspects of the Raptor's roll in maintaining the ecological balance and the problems they have interacting with man.  We teach our audience what to do and what not to do if they come across an injured raptor.  We let them know that what they do with the bird may make the difference between whether or not they can be released back to the wild once they are rehabilitated.  

Right behind our booth there was another activity going on that I had to share with you ...

Linked also to


Sylvia K said...

What incredible captures of such gorgeous birds, Andrea!! They really took my breath away! Thank you so much for sharing them!!

Elephant's Child said...

You were definitely right in your element with raptors AND dogs.
How I wish that our species would realise that we are not the only ones with an important role to play.

eileeninmd said...

It is good to know the birds have a safe place to live and are well cared for.. Awesome photo.. I love the video, looks like the dog is herding the ducks? Thank you for linking up, have a great day! Happy Easter!

Edna B said...

Your raptors are beautiful. And I loved the video! It's a beautiful Easter morning here in New England. The bunny was by early this morning to make his deliveries. Pogo found a tiny fuzzy doggie in his bed when he woke up. In the house, there were little baskets for everyone and even a couple of tiny fuzzy toys for the kitties. Sunshine was the first to discover her toy, a little pink rabbit, and had a wonderful time plahing with it.

After watching a service on TV this morning, I got to watch a program about how some of our best loved hymns came about. Very interesting indeed! There was also a program about Billy Holiday and her music. She wasn't here very long, but her music will last forever.

Today will be a nice quiet day, good for TV and crocheting. The kids will stop by for a while later on, and after they leave I'll have me a little nap. I'm finding that naps are precious commodities these days. haha.

Well, I have some dishes to wash up before settling in my lounge chair to crochet. You and Izzi have a Blessed and Happy Easter. Hugs, Edna B.

marsha said...

I love owls...and got to spend some time with a little burrowing owl yesterday!

A Colorful World said...

Your raptors are amazing! What beautiful birds. I know the people who get to see them up close are so grateful for that opportunity! And I LOVE those border collies! Such smart dogs!

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