Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Wild Bird Wednesday

Spring is a busy time on our lake as many different birds pass through on their way up north.  This is just the few that I was able to capture.  I have to add that these are either very crisp clear pictures and I am slowly going blind so they all look fuzzy or they are fuzzy pictures and my camera is dying a slow painful death.  Hopefully I will be figure it out and find a solution ... meanwhile, I hope you appreciate the good intentions :)

Juvenile Eagle

 female and male Mallard

male and female Canadian Geese


 male Common Merganser

 Pelicans and Cormorants

 male and female Lesser Scaup 

 female and male Common Goldeneye

And the ever present and always welcome Robin

Happy WBW!



Sylvia K said...

Wonderful birds and captures for the day!! They aren't easy to photograph, that's for sure! Hope your week is off to a great start! Enjoy!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

What a marvellous collction of birds in this post. I take it you ae joking about going bliind?

Elephant's Child said...

Loving your birds. And empathising to the max on camera woes. My camera too is slowly dying.

thewovenspoke said...

Great captures, it does look like the camera is on its way out mine looked like that before it went thtiiittt! bummer

Jeanne said...

LOVE your shot of the loon. I absolutely love those birds! I did not know that they were ever in your area though. Not sure what is going on with your camera...Would take it to a good photography store. Maybe some setting got changed inadvertently... otherwise they can send the camera back to the manufacturer for a tune up. mine has been twice already.

Michelle said...

Some great photos and I like the juvenile eagle!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Andrea, wonderful collection of birds and photos. Awesome eagle shot and I love the loon and merganser..Great post! Have a happy day!

Adam Jones said...

Really like those Loons.

The Queen Jester said...

It's hard to shoot photos of birds in the distance, especially when you're old and shaky and the eyesight is going. Ha ha ha. I don't really believe that, because otherwise I'd have to say the same of myself. Perhaps your hands were just cold and there was more shake than the image stabilization could handle. Nice shots!

A Colorful World said...

I hope there's nothing wrong with your camera...there is a fuzziness in some of the shots. The birds are beautiful! Hope you figure it out, but I loved seeing these shots.

Stewart M said...

Nice collection of birds - some I used to see in the UK and some I never did.

It does seem that something may be out of whack with your camera.

Thanks for your kind words about me on my blog.

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

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