Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Wild Bird Wednesday

I finally saw a pair of Blue Wing Teals at the state park.  Last year the wetland area where I used to see them was so dry that they never came.  But this year we are having plenty of rain with our cold spring so here they are again.

 I don't often see the Coppers Hawk in the spring.  I am not sure where they go, but I suspect they are busy preparing a nest and hooking up with their mate.  But, here she is for a brief visit.  I was lucky to spot her ... she was just sitting quietly in the tree over my yard.  Probably on a lunch break, Ha!

I am always glad to see the Gold Finch back in full bloom.  They stay here all winter, but they hang with the sparrows and because of their drab winter colors, they are not so noticeable.

Mr. and Mrs. Red Wing Black Bird are back.  The males have been here for almost a month and the females are just showing up.  They are sharing the feeder with a female House Sparrow.  

Spring is like a Bird Potluck ... every time I look outside I see something different.  Soon we will fall back into a routine as the migrating birds will move on and we will be left with our regular residents.  I always hope we will get something new ... and once in awhile, we do.  Happy WBW, Everyone!



Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Spring is a wonderful time for the returnig birds and is alwsys a surprise when we see a new one from our windows. Love all your bird shots.

Edna B said...

I love all your different birds. We haven't been seeing very many birds this past month and I think it is because of the hawk that seems to be hanging around. I hope all the birds come back soon. Your photo of the tall pines across the lake is quite beautiful, and I think that your new M.O.M. image is wonderful.

Spring is showing everywhere here too. Flowers are showing off their beautiful blooms and the tiny chipmunks are back. I just miss all the birds. Ah well, I'm sure they'll be along in time.

I can't seem to get rid of this wicked bug that I've caught. Hopefully, the doctor will be calling in a prescription to the pharmacy that will help to knock it out of my system. Thank goodness for the new storm door. It keeps Pogo occupied for hours, and he gets plenty of exercise running between the storm door and the pantry door to see if anyone has come into the house. As long as the door can stay open, I don't feel so guilty about not being able to take Pogo out.

The sun is shining and it is in the low 60's. A super day to be out and about. My daughter Deanne is coming by soon to go to the bank for me and to pick up my new prescription. So now I think I'll curl up in my comfy lounge chair for a bit. You and Izzi have a beautiful day. Hugs, Edna B.

Unknown said...

I wonder if your Cooper's hawks come out here! The field by my house has a resident that seems new, and he's very efficient! I love to see him swooping through the air.

Jeanne said...

love your shots Andrea and looks as if you are in such a perfect 'bird watching" spot!

A Colorful World said...

Wonderful bird sightings & great photos!

Ida said...

I like the comment about spring being like a bird potluck. You sure had a good variety here today.

Rohrerbot said...

Very nice! Good birds all. Hope you do get something new through your yard! Good luck!

Adam Jones said...

The Hawk looks amazing. Fabulous shots of all the birds though.

Stewart M said...

Great shots - I managed to see some of these ducks in Arizona last year. See, a cold spring does bring benefits!

No need to worry about being 'late' to comment - commenting is not an obligation! And I am very far behind with replies as well, so it even things out!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

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