Friday, April 3, 2015

Weekend Reflection

(click on button to see more reflections)

A cabinet with part of my elephant collection among other things.  As much fun as I had collecting all of my "stuff" I am left with wondering what to do with it or how to get rid of it.  Most of it is too valuable (or was at one time) to just give away, but finding someone who would want to buy it is another issue.  Anyway, the cabinet is awesome at reflecting it's surroundings :)



Nefertiti said...

joli coups d oeil pour la reflection avec un gros plus pour le "Dumbo" ancien ;o)

Ingrid said...

Beautiful reflections ! Thanks for your birthday wishes for Arthur !

Edna B said...

This is a great shot. I know what you mean about all those wonderful things that we managed to collect over the years. I've tried giving away a lot of things these last fifteen or so years, but I still have lots to tend to. Sometimes I think I'm the only one deriving joy from my "collectibles". I have designated a few specific items to certain people, but I guess I'll let the kids take care of the rest later if it is still here.

Today, I'm waiting for the oil delivery truck to get here, and I need to get some bills paid and ready for mailing in the morning. I also have a couple dozen eggs waiting to be boiled and decorated. The dwarfs may all be grown ups, but little things like an Easter basket or a gift from Santa really do make them happy. I've done it for years and I think I have even more fun with it than they do.

My little guy was so looking forward to a walk in the park yesterday but it was not to be. The park was closed. Today and tomorrow are supposed to be wet. So I'm hoping that Easter Sunday is a warm sunny day. If it is, we'll go to the park then.

I got me a new toy to play with. A set of lenses for my phone camera. I'll take photos and chat about it on my Sunday blog. For now, I'm going to see what's in the fridge for lunch. I hope you and Izzi have a beautiful day. Hugs, Edna B.

Sylvia K said...

Terrific reflection for the day and a beautiful cabinet indeed!! Hope you have a beautiful weekend!!

Elephant's Child said...

Love it. And could happily spend hours and hours marvelling at your treasures.

Jim said...


Jeanne said...

love your reflections Andrea! It is a hard thing to know what to do with some of our treasures of days gone by. I have some collections that my kids have absolutely zero interest in. Hope that you have a wonderful Easter!

James said...

What a great collection and nice reflections!
My wife and I have almost no "stuff" which is probably for the best because we don't have any children to pass it on to. However sometimes I think it would be nice have an interesting collection or something of value. Happy Easter!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Marvellous reflections. If you family do not want any of them, give them away to a good cause or sell them and give the money to your favourite charity and get the clutter out of your life. HAVE A HAPPY EASTER WEEKEND.

Fun60 said...

That's a great reflection and your cabinet looks packed with interesting items. I have stopped collecting things as I don't know where to put them any more.

Nonnie said...

like your collection, the wood on the cabinet is lovely too.

Viera said...

This is a great shot and amazing collection...

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