Wednesday, April 1, 2015

NF DAM ... Digital Art Meme

Vegan Delight ... at Flower and Garden Show.

This is the fun stuff ... I see 12 animals in this picture and there are probably more if I had the time to stare at it  :) What do you see?



The Queen Jester said...

I see a good reminder to eat my veggies!

Annemor said...

No tulips, but veggis :)
That ended up as birds - in my eyes. Three of them, one green, one green and blue and one red :)
Great job.
Have a nice day :(

thewovenspoke said...

Amazing. I see animals and faces.

Lmkazmierczak said...

That turned out marvelously...happy Spring♪

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I would love to sit down and eat the vegs in the 1st shot. But .on holiday, don't have the time to find the animals.

marsha said...

cool...I especially like the middle one!!! Definitely a giraffe in the last one..

Gemma Wiseman said...

A gorgeous display of the good stuff in the first photo. And the editing is brilliant. Adore the first edit shaping colour interests.

Edna B said...

Oh my, such a gorgeous big salad! I hope someone got to eat it and it wasn't just set out for art display. I love your fantasy creation. I saw the pair of snake eyes right away. This one is so funny! Great editing.

Are you in for a nice Spring day today? We are. Finally, although we are being told to expect snow for the weekend. Yeesh! Oh well, sooner or later Spring has to show up and stay for a while.

Today Pogo and I will get out for a while and do a few errands. Later I need to look for some stuff to decorate a batch of eggs. I always help the Easter Bunny do up a lot of eggs. Oh gosh, the weather man is saying that we'll be having rain tonight, tomorrow and Saturday. We'll just have to make the best of today.

Daughter Deanne was successful finally in uploading a few of the videos from the Wizard to You Tube last night so I'll be posting that on my blog. I don't seem to have much luck with You Tube, but everyone else seems to like it.

I'm off now to post my blog. You and Izzi have a fabulous day. Hugs, Edna B.

Vanessa Morgan said...

Indeed. I can see several animals as well. So funny. Have a lovely end of the week.

NatureFootstep said...

I see a green frog trying to eat it all. :) I think this is fun, you made my day.

Prairie Jill said...

Great edit! So much fun to search for the animals, too.

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