Tuesday, April 28, 2015

NF Trees and Bushes

I passed this tree while walking in the forest preserve.  I only had time to snap a picture of the trunk before I needed to catch up with my partner.  I thought it was beautiful with the patches of lichen and I also thought it was cool the way it blended in with the background.  As near as I can guess this is a Virginia Pine Tree trunk ... if there are any arborists  out there, I'm open to correction.

I gave this version a little more texture so that those of you who like to look for faces in the bark can pick them out more easily ... it is loaded with faces and animals.  So, what do you see?  I actually see President Nixon ... can you find him?  



Annemor said...

I belive it's a kind of pine. Which? Do not know.
Always fun to look for faces :)
Have a wonderful evening.

A Colorful World said...

Great patterns and textures! Love it!

Mascha said...

Beautiful photos! I see a cat, what else? ;-)
( the face of Pr. Nixon isn't very familiar for me)

Gerald (SK14) said...

it is time that textures trees and eventually overwhelms them

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Hi Mascha ... I see 3 bear faces, two elephants, raccoon, 2 dogs and three people. I am guessing if I stare long enough I will find more so that's just for starters ... I am looking for your cat. Haven't found it yet, but I will. Thanks for stopping by ...


lina said...

Interesting textures and wonderfully captured. I can't see President Nixon; I'm not so familiar with his face.
Thanks for dropping by, Andrea.

Lmkazmierczak said...

How fun....The bark speaks♪ http://lauriekazmierczak.com/paths-taken/

Unknown said...

I love the patterns and the textures. I'm not sure my imagination stretches as far as seeing faces. I'm content with enjoying it as it is. :-)

NatureFootstep said...

lol, I would have shot a pic or two too. This trunk has "personality" :)

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