Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Wild Bird Wednesday

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Spring is trying hard ... all different sizes and species of  birds are coming through, flowers are breaking ground and starting their journey, but the nights are still very cold so it isn't easy for any of them.

Our Eagles are back in the area.  We see them only occasionally.  This handsome young man is almost an adult ... probably a 4 year.  Next year he will be looking for a mate and finding his own territory and we may or may not see him again.

This flock is a group of male Red Wing Blackbirds ... they swoop in, ravage the feeders and swoop out.  Soon the females will arrive and they will break up into pairs.  Then they will swoop in together and swoop back out :)

A group of male Common Mergansers fly across the lake.  soon they will show up with females and chase the poor little girls everywhere.  No rest for the weary ...

Most of the Pelicans have done their circling up to the thermals and headed north.

But we do still see a few around on occasion ...

There is more to come as it is just beginning.  Everything seems to be coming to life ... it is a wonderful time of year. Happy Spring to the Northern Hemisphere and Happy Fall to the Aussies and their neighbors :)



Sylvia K said...

Great looking birds, as always!! Hope your week is off to a good start!! Enjoy!

eileeninmd said...

Hello Andrea, It is nice to see signs of spring. The migrating birds are on the move. I love the eagle and the pelican, they are two of my favorites.. Great post, enjoy your week ahead!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Andrea what a wonderful variety of birds you have coming through.

theconstantwalker said...

A wonderful post Andrea...

Elephant's Child said...

A very happy bird filled spring to you.

Mersad said...

Beautiful wildlife photography Andrea! Love it.

Mersad Donko Photography

A Colorful World said...

Wonderful sightings! Hope spring takes a strong toehold in your area soon!

Adam Jones said...

Pelicans are so smart.

The Queen Jester said...

And as the birds migrate back north, thus we begin our journey as well.

marsha said...

fabulous that you get to see and photograph all these birds!

Ida said...

What a cool selection of birds. Of course the Eagle always gets my vote for "favorite" sighting.
I do love though that you caught the red color on the blackbirds wings in that one shot.

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